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Our Industries

Stellen Infotech helps accelerate innovation and gratify industry specific best practices to help run your core business efficiently.



Healthcare App Development: Awebstar specialises in crafting custom healthcare apps that improve patient care and streamline services with user-friendly features.

On-Demand Apps

On-Demand Apps

On-Demand App Development: At Awebstar, we excel in creating scalable on-demand apps that ensure seamless user experiences, from service booking to efficient delivery solutions.



Game Development: Awebstar develops captivating games with stunning graphics and fluid gameplay, catering to diverse platforms and genres.



Ecommerce App Development: Awebstar designs robust Ecommerce apps with secure payment gateways and intuitive shopping interfaces for enhanced customer experiences.


Finance App Development: Awebstar delivers secure and efficient finance apps, facilitating seamless transactions and personalised financial management solutions.

Oil & Gas

Oil and Gas Software Development: Awebstar offers tailored software solutions for the oil and gas industry, optimising operations and boosting productivity.


Automotive App Development: Awebstar innovates automotive apps that elevate user experience, from vehicle management tools to intuitive navigation systems.

Social Media

Social Media App Development: Awebstar creates engaging social media apps with interactive features and scalable infrastructure to foster meaningful user engagement.

Travel & Tourism

Travel App Development: Awebstar develops travel apps that provide real-time information, seamless booking options, and personalized travel experiences.

Real Estate

Real Estate App Development: Awebstar builds intuitive real estate apps featuring property listings, virtual tours, and streamlined transaction processes.


Entertainment App Development: Awebstar designs immersive entertainment apps with compelling content and interactive elements for enhanced user enjoyment.

Transport and Logistics

Logistics App Development: Awebstar specializes in logistics apps that optimise fleet management, tracking, and supply chain operations for improved efficiency.


Education App Development: Awebstar creates interactive educational apps with engaging content, quizzes, and progress-tracking functionalities to support effective learning.