How Wearable Technology is Transforming the App Development Industry in 2017

How Wearable Technology is Transforming the App Development Industry in 2017

App development industry is rapidly evolving with every passing day. Every year, we get to know the new trends in the app development. So, with the arrival of New Year – 2017, the wearable technology seems to affect the app development industry to some extent. Therefore, how exactly wearable technology is transforming this industry in this year?

Here, we will disclose these factors and make you know how this new transformation will bring revolution in app development industry.

First, let we present you some common instances of the integration of app development in wearable technology in our daily life. So, taking an example of smartwatches that are quite popular among masses these days. You are getting already late in one morning and rush to a food corner for having some meal. At that time, you want to avoid picking up cash, credit cards or wallet and then, you can pay the bills instantly using your smartwatch by simply pressing a button. So, it makes the process quite hassle-free and safe for individuals.

Just like it, taking another example of a business person who is in a hurry to attend a meeting, but has no files, no laptop or no notes. Besides, using these instruments, he gets a wearable smart glasses. These glasses quickly show the name of the client, industry, last meeting date, last order, and reviews etc. So, you can make the best use of wearable technology if the manufacturers succeed to integrate it into app development.

Though wearable technology is yet in progressive stage and would require some time to perfectly reap. Still, we expect that in 2017, we can witness more adoption of wearable technology in the enterprises. Now, we discuss how wearable technology can transform the app development industry in 2017.

New Direction Of Wearable Technology Affects App Development Industry

New Direction Of Wearable Technology Affects App Development Industry
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When you consider wearable technology for the marketing of your business, it would primarily focus on consumers. However, the current developments in wearable technology are mainly product-oriented with business apps. The makers of wearable products commit to enhance the productivity and efficiency of the business world.

Forbes says that the numbers in wearable technology products are quite impressive. Research showed that this technology has the power to enhance productivity by 8.5% as well as 3.5% employee satisfaction.

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Tangible Business Apps

Tangible Business Apps

Practically, the justification is a little difficult on expenses for wearable technology in various sectors. Still, some sectors have contributed a lot for its best usage. Taking an example of the healthcare sector is highly influenced by wearable technology. In this sector, the surgeons may use Google Glasses during operating a patient.

At the same time, it is quite useful in the manufacturing sector where companies may use wearable devices like safety glasses of XOne. These glasses help to scan barcodes of various products and also stream videos off site for technicians. It is helpful for monitoring various objects like head tilt degree for discovering ergonomic issues.

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Wearable Technology May Seize Smartphone Impact

Wearable Technology May Seize Smartphone Impact

To take wearable technology off the enterprise standard, its experts would require showing its better efficiency and expertise to businesses from that of smartphones. In the early stage of this technology, wearable devices had always been associated with smartphones. They had been referred to as an innovative accessory, but not an important efficiency device.

Though wearable devices accompany some certain benefits. They are fully portable and are becoming more elegant. Some believe that this technology would displace smartphones in the coming years.

Wearable Technology Fits App Development Industry & Mobile Strategy

Wearable Technology Fits App Development Industry & Mobile Strategy

A majority of industries are still tending towards developing smartphone apps for their businesses. Therefore, it looks quite speculated how wearable technology would affect the mobile enterprise strategy for businesses. Well, practically, if app development combines with wearable technology, it will affect the job of the workers. It would make jobs more convenient for employees. It will bring in some personal as well as business advantages to enterprises.

For example, if you develop an app for integrating the safety glasses, it will help construction workers in checking plans and viewing schematics. Here, companies may include a feature that would enable workers to enjoy desired music on these devices. As of now, wearable devices might have a long way to become mainstream. For that, business IT has to prepare for taking risks with multiple apps that would need minimal investment. Typically, the release cycle of an app will be 3 months; therefore, companies have to be ready to give a quick response.

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Issues In Adoption Of Wearable Technology

Wearable technology has a great scope to transform the app development industry. But, there are some certain shortcomings that affect the progress of this technology. This technology has some certain issues. Manufacturers should consider those resultant issues if they actually hope for widespread adoption of it at an enterprise level. Let’s discuss these issues right here:

  • The proper fragmentation is a big issue in wearable technology because manufacturers make devices for company-specific, disparate platforms. The absence of uniformity, complexity, and cost of making cross-platform applications for different operating systems restrain app developers from adopting this technology. For unifying all devices and properly encourage app development, wearable technology has to be compatible with iOS, Windows, and Android.
  • Another issue is employees, as well as businesses both, have certain considerations for wearable devices’ security. In an industry perspective, these devices bring another level of complexity for the IT. This complexity may cause issues for data breach from employees’ devices. From the employees’ perspective, these devices can act as a full-time surveillance system. This system would monitor every move of the employees for 24 x 7 hours.
  • The last issue is of affordability which is the big concern at the enterprise as well as consumer side for wearable technology. The application development industry cannot adopt this technology until they don’t find these devices economical. At present, the Google Glass which is still in beta testing phase comes at $1500. This price makes Google Glass quite expensive for companies who look forward to equipping it in a huge volume.

Our Forecast About Wearable Technology In App Development Industry

Our Forecast About Wearable Technology

At present, wearable technology has already landed in the business world. The success of app development for wearable technology majorly depends on the consumers how they adopt it. For this, consumers have to feel comfortable in using apps by integrating them into their devices.

As of now, making apps to support wearable devices is perhaps a premature step for many businesses. It is yet uncertain if the wearable devices would stay long here or not. For instance, you replace the identification badges of your employees with a wearable app. Now, it would be an unrequired step at this level, as very few consumers are familiar with this tech.

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Overall, we can say that wearable technology has a great scope in the app development industry. But it would take some time to properly take the charge. The growth of wearable technology in the app development industry depends mainly on the consumers how they respond to it. So, it would be great to see how soon wearable technology transforms the app development industry.

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