Does Artificial Intelligence Matter in PPC Campaigns?

Does Artificial Intelligence Matter in PPC Campaigns?

As an enthusiastic digital marketing professional, are you aware of the fact that artificial intelligence matters in PPC campaigns? If not, then you must try to know that. Let’s talk about that in detail. When digital marketing professionals fail to meet their ambitious goals (of the web-based business) through general search engine optimization practices, then they turn towards PPC campaigns.

In recent years, Artificial intelligence has started to impact PPC campaigns up to a great extent. As a result, professional PPC experts have begun to use AI(Artificial Intelligence) in PPC ads to gain the desired results easily in a short duration of time. Before discussing the matter, let’s have a look at the brief explanation of some technical terms –

Technical Terms Brief Explanation
Search Engine OptimizationIt’s a trick to optimize websites for search engines and people. Digital marketing professionals use it to increase the visibility of sites on different search engines and generate business opportunities for entrepreneurs.
PPC Campaigns/AdsIt’s online advertising of products/services in which advertisers pay a certain fee whenever their PPC ad is clicked by visitors. In fact, it’s a costly way of digital marketing, generally used as a last resort to stay in the competition and ensure a decent ROI.
Artificial IntelligenceIn simple terms, Artificial Intelligence is the sub-discipline of computer science. Its main aim is to create intelligent agents (software, hardware, robots, etc,) that could act in a manner, as expected by tech-individuals.

What roles do AI play in PPC campaigns?

As a matter of fact, AI(Artificial Intelligence) has changed the way PPC campaigns are done. Just have a look at the key roles played by AI(Artificial Intelligence) in PPC campaigns:

1. Artificial Intelligence Can Automatically Pause or Erase Low performing PPC Ads

Erase low performing adds with AI

We all know that PPC is very costly online advertising model. It can make a big hole in your budget if you don’t run it properly. Always keep in mind that all PPC campaigns don’t perform uniformly. Some of your ads bring more business opportunities.

On the other hand, some PPC ads don’t perform as per your expectations. It happens due to the landing page, ad content, and keywords. Based on your settings (for example- the use of Adwords Scripts and API integrations), AI(Artificial Intelligence) can automatically pause or delete low performing ads. It will help you to save your hard-earned money and precious time. It also assists to increase your ad quality score up to a certain extent.

2. Artificial Intelligence Helps You to Find High-Performing & Relevant Keywords

Kewords Stellen

It takes a lot of time to research different keywords and choose the suitable ones for your PPC campaigns. AI(Artificial Intelligence) can help you to do this work in an easy way. It can easily discover the most relevant keywords. In this way, you become able to find keywords with a strong buyer’s intent. So, you save lots of money wasted on low-performing or Non-performing keywords.

3. Artificial Intelligence Discovers the Interested Audience

Interested Audience

Before launching PPC campaigns with an intention to promote your business on the digital landscape, you have to toil a lot to find the targeted audience. Even if you find the audience, there is no guarantee that they will give business opportunities after clicking your PPC ads. If customers don’t buy your products/services, you are bound to lose money sooner or later (in PPC campaigns).

When you use AI (Artificial Intelligence), it studies user searches and customers behavior in detail. It suggests you who could be your potential and interested customers. This helps you to manage your PPC campaigns easily and run a lucrative business with a low investment.

4. Artificial Intelligence Facilitates Automated Bidding

Every advertiser knows the great importance of bidding in PPC campaigns. Bidding made on a Good keyword can fill your digital wallet with lots of $ over a short duration of time. On the other hand, bidding on Non-performing keywords can empty your pocket sooner than later. You can use AI(Artificial Intelligence) to set your PPC campaign for automated bidding.

It allows AI(Artificial Intelligence) to do the guesswork on your behalf and make bidding on the right keywords. It also helps you to increase the CTR rate, get more details about search engine results, visibility on different search engines, and boost the conversion rate greatly. To set automated bidding, you need to implement some changes in your AdWords account with the help of coders.

5. Artificial Intelligence Helps to Make Your PPC Ads Dynamic

dynamic PPC adds

All advertisers try their level best to make the ad content perfect for the targeted audience. Unfortunately, most of them fail miserably in their targets. It will benefit you a lot if the ads change themselves to meet the needs of viewers. It’s not a joke at all as many PPC platforms are using AI(Artificial Intelligence) to make this happen.

For example- Facebook Dynamic ads demonstrate products/services to visitors as per their browsing history and buying habits. In the same way, Dynamic Search Ads in Google AdWords are created in such a manner that they resemble products offered on your website. So, you don’t miss keywords and make grabs the maximum business by using AI(Artificial Intelligence) in your PPC campaigns.

6. A Great Help in Ad Delivery Optimization

If your PPC ads are delivered to the right people (as targeted by you), success knocks at your door before your expectations. If this is not the case, you are bound to suffer. The use of AI(Artificial Intelligence) can help you to display your PPC ads to the right people and expect their participation in the conversion rate optimization.

Caution: Be Aware of Bad Artificial Intelligence


The careful use of PPC ads is recommended. If you choose bad AI, it can kill your PPC campaigns and cause a great loss. So, you must communicate with expert PPC professionals, discuss the pros and cons of using AI(Artificial Intelligence) in PPC ads, and take a solid decision accordingly. Don’t waste your time, money, and energy for nothing (in return) by choosing the wrong AI.

Final Words

Every PPC campaigner wants to make his/her PPC ads successful at all cost. They can use AI(Artificial Intelligence) for this purpose and gain the desired success. To run a profitable PPC campaign in conjugation with AI, please contact us. We will help in all possible manners and make your PPC campaigns a gold churning source with a low investment.

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