November 22, 2022

Advantages Of Using React Native For Mobile App Development

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If you are considering entering the world of mobile app development, you should know that there are countless options at your disposal. Most developers would rather use React Native for their next project. If we talk about the advantages of using React Native for Mobile App Development then we can say that it has a lot of benefits. One of them is its advanced user interface.

React Native is one of the many cross-platform app development frameworks available in the market. It is not a separate framework but can be considered an extension of React JavaScript library. React gives you all the capability to build user interfaces. This makes it easy for developers to go over different platforms and make apps that look and feel similar across devices, while still maintaining a consistent code base. React Native brings all this under one roof to help developers in making apps for iOS as well as Android-based devices using JavaScript/TypeScript codebase.

Here are some advantages of using React Native for mobile app development.

Why To Choose React Native Framework for Mobile App Development?

Allows Code Re-usability:

The convincing benefit of using React Native for development is it does not require separate coding for multiple platforms. It means the developers can use the same code for building apps for different operating system-based devices. As a result, the efficiency and speed of app development increase. Furthermore, there is a lesser requirement for maintenance.

Guarantees the Native Feel and Look of the Application:

All the components of React Native framework comply with the native ones. It functions in conjunction with its own JS and the native UI building block. Thus, assuring a native-like feel and appearance of the app. In addition, the building block remains the same for iOS and Android and the appearance of the app for both platforms is also quite similar.

Hot and Live Reloading Convenience:

React Native framework helps in hot reloading. It aids easy compilation and reloading of modifications done in coding. Furthermore, the advantage of hot reloading lies in its capability of changing the source code the way developers can see the coding even if no app compilation is performed.

Streamlined User Interface:

The main benefit of React Native that attracts the attention of developers or business owners is its assurance of a streamlined user interface. The in-built JS library allows the developers to create apps in a proper sequence that is more unique, engaging, and responsive.

Facilitates Integration of Third-Party Plugins:

Building an app can be a long and expensive process. Here, React Native framework allows the integration of third-party plugins. Furthermore, it enables the integration of options like native modules or JS-based options. All of this helps in boosting the application’s overall performance and functioning.

Cost-Efficient Framework:

The pre-built components and re-usability of codes reduce the app building cost to a greater extent. There is no need to write code separately for iOS or Android app development. Moreover, the pre-built components are easy to deploy, and the overall development process quickens.

Improved Performance:

The React Native framework is effective as it enhances the overall website’s performance by using varying controls and modules. It functions by interacting with native iOS and Android components. These elements help in producing independent native API codes.

The framework’s use of a dedicated thread has a direct impact on performance boost and modification. You also have the option to select alternative solutions. These include a WebView. However, you need to know that these options can negatively impact how well your app runs.

Vast Community Support:

React Native is an open-source framework that allows the expert developer community to evaluate the technological documentation. furthermore, they can contribute to the advancement as per their desire.

In addition, experienced or novice developers can reach out to the community for the guidance of expert developers, gather information on any development-related issues, etc. Even one professional can seek feedback from other professionals for the ongoing project they are working on.

Additionally, developers are urged to share their discoveries and lessons learned. Thus, creating a truly collaborative environment for all professionals. One of the amazing advantages of using mobile app development services for React native-like framework is this.


Native mobile app development is the best way to go for any business. If you are planning to make your business more efficient and agile, react native will help you in taking your business to new heights. Other than delivering exceptional user experience, it provides immersive features and advantages. For example, the convenience of code re-usability, access to huge community experts, and pre-built components, all are offered. Thus, reducing the overall cost of the app development project.

The React Native experts at Stellen Infotech are well-versed and experienced in building feature-rich mobile app solutions. They assure the applications designed have responsive UI and have multiple plugins integrated to enhance overall performance.

So, what are you waiting for? Book your web development consultation with us today!!

November 15, 2022

What Are The Most Popular NFT Marketplace of 2022?

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What are your thoughts on joining the NFT advancement? It’s true that investigating NFT marketplaces is a good place to begin. You can use NFT platforms to buy and sell all kinds of digital valuables, from artwork to original scores, and music master files to entire countries. Many NFT marketplaces catering to a specific audience have emerged in recent years inside the NFT ecosystem.

Following, we will go over some of the primary characteristics of an NFT Marketplace that you should keep an eye out for. We have also listed the best NFT Marketplace in the market for your perusal. Check out this blog to learn more.

Exactly What Do NFTs Entail?

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are digital assets where each token is both distinct and unreplaceable. It’s common practice to use them to symbolise in-game objects and digital artwork, but they’ve also proven beneficial for a variety of business purposes. Any Business could benefit from these crypto assets enabled by smart contracts, from marketing to hotel reservations.

How do NFTs function?

Ethereum’s blockchain, a distributed public database recording transactions, is home to the vast majority of NFTs. The data contained in NFTs is unique to each token.

Anyone can purchase and sell them like actual art since supply and demand define their value. The unique information stored by NFTs facilitates the verification and validation of token possession and the transfer of tokens between owners. You can look into the already existing NFT marketplaces or else you can go with an NFT Development Solution Company to create a new marketplace as per your requirements.

Key Features of Successful NFT Markets:

When buying or selling digital collectibles, consider the following factors.

Transparency in the Market:

Knowledge is power when it comes to trying to get NFTs from an online marketplace, so be sure to have all the facts before you start shopping around. The best NFT marketplaces will include thorough descriptions of all NFT collections that can be purchased through the marketplace. You need to know how many NFTs are up for grabs, how much they individually cost, and other nuggets of information like the total number of bids, who the current owner is, where the pieces came from, and so on.

Security in the Market:

High levels of security are essential to keeping your products safe wherever they are stored and another crucial element to look out for in leading NFT markets. To protect user data and stop fraudulent transactions, marketplaces should have strong encryption measures like identity verification.

Gas Price of the Marketplace:

Due to the high gas cost associated with minting NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain, it is important to only use exchanges that support several blockchains and thus provide a wider range of NFTs to choose from when minting.

Let’s have a look at a few factors now that you know the basics for selecting the best NFT marketplace.

The NFT marketplace you choose affects your capacity to trade and buy NFTs. As a result, you need to give some thought to which NFT marketplaces are appropriate for the NFT you intend to construct and the blockchain it will employ. Although Ethereum powers the vast majority of NFT exchanges, some investors tend to favour alternative blockchains due to their cheaper gas prices and lesser ecological footprint. In addition, there are now more and more blockchain NSF development companies that tend to produce better and more reliable NFT marketplaces.

However, there are top pre-existing NFT markets that are here to assist you in locating unusual crypto-collectibles as well as facilitating their exchange. In this article, we will go over several greatest NFT marketplaces and assist you in determining which one is suitable for you.


As the largest and most well-known NFT exchange, OpenSea can be compared to the popular and successful Amazon. It has a wide variety of NFT collections, including those related to art, music, photography, and collectibles, making it one of the most diverse NFT marketplaces in the world.

OpenSea may have been developed on Ethereum, but it is compatible with other blockchains like Polygon and Klaytyn. The infrastructure is set up to properly process payments made in a variety of cryptocurrencies. At the moment, it can handle roughly 150 different digital currencies. After signing up for OpenSea, you can start minting, selling, and browsing NFTs in a matter of minutes.


An integral aspect of SuperRare’s NFT marketplace is the one-of-a-kind digital art collection. A Real Artist produces every piece of art you see on the internet. After that, it was encrypted so that you could buy, sell, and trade it with others.

Each piece of art in SuperRare’s collection is a blockchain-encrypted digital item. The SuperRare platform has pioneered the NFT industry’s most advanced social network. Because of their clear ownership history, digital collections can easily adjust to new settings.


Users of Rarible, a community-based NFT marketplace, have easy access to a diverse selection of NFTs for sale or trade. The platform’s user-friendly interface makes it simple to create and trade NFTs. Rarible is a one-of-a-kind market that works with Ethereum, Flow, and Tezos, three distinct blockchain networks. Rarible NFT’s multi-chain functionality allows users to mint, buy, and sell non-fungible tokens from any of these powerful blockchain platforms.


To that end, Solanart is among the most prominent NFT marketplaces to enter the online sphere just recently. This NFT exchange was built using the Solana blockchain. Users can create, trade, and invest in NFTs built on the Solana blockchain with the help of this platform. Despite being new to the online market, the total trading volume has already reached a staggering sum of $500 million.


Binance Smart Chain is a prominent NFT Marketplace for dealers and collectors. Binance, one of the best cryptocurrency exchanges, established the platform, which helps them attract customers, Artists, journalists, crypto enthusiasts, and serious art collectors to trade and make NFTs on the site.


Conclusively, NFTs are still a relatively new technology, but they are rapidly becoming the norm in many different fields. The greatest NFT markets prioritise the needs of both sellers and buyers. If you wish to reach a large audience with your digital art or music, you can do it on NFT marketplaces like Mint Songs.

Finally, until Binance NFT overtakes it, OpenSea is one of the finest options. If you’re searching for the greatest overall platform suitable for newcomers and specialists alike. However, before committing to any course of action, it is imperative that you conduct adequate research.

September 29, 2022

The Best Multi Vendor eCommerce Marketplace – What are the Differences?

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A multi-vendor eCommerce marketplace is a platform that connects sellers with buyers. It is also known as a collaborative eCommerce model or vendor-centric eCommerce. When it comes to selling products, businesses can choose from multiple different options. These include selling on your website, selling through social media sites like Facebook and Instagram, or joining an online marketplace such as eBay or an ictVEND multi-vendor platform. Each of these options has its pros and cons, but which one is the best for you? Let’s take a closer look at each of the different multi vendor eCommerce marketplace types and see which one makes the most sense for your business.

What Is a Multi-Vendor eCommerce Marketplace?


When you sell your products on an e-commerce platform, you’re essentially setting up a vendor account. You upload your listings and detailed product information for that retail site, and then shoppers can find your products among all the other vendors selling similar items.

This is called a vendor-vendee model. A multi-vendor ecommerce marketplace has a different structure from a typical ecommerce site. It is almost like a wholesaler where multiple sellers come together to sell their products under one roof. The key difference is that both the vendors and customers are individual businesses rather than individuals with separate accounts on the same site.

Multi-Vendor eCommerce Marketplace Types

When it comes to multi-vendor eCommerce marketplaces, there are two main types: seller-to-business (SMB) and vendor-to-business (VTB) marketplaces. In an SMB marketplace, sellers are responsible for fulfilling all orders placed in their store. In a VTB marketplace, the vendor takes responsibility for fulfilling all orders. This means that if you have a VTB eCommerce marketplace, your products will be sent directly from the vendor, so you won’t have to worry about shipping. There are also some differences in pricing models.

For example, VTB marketplaces tend to have a subscription-based pricing model, while SMB marketplaces often have an a la carte pricing model. Now that we’ve taken a closer look at the types of multi vendor eCommerce marketplaces, let’s take a closer look at why you might want to sell on one of these platforms.

Why Sell on a Multi-Vendor eCommerce Platform?

One of the main benefits of selling on a multi vendor marketplace is that you can tap into an existing audience. This means that you don’t have to spend money on marketing and bringing new customers to your site. Instead, you can get your products in front of an existing audience of buyers. This can help you significantly grow your sales.

Another benefit is that most multi vendor marketplaces have a very wide variety of products. This means that you have a larger selection of products to choose from when deciding what to sell in your store. This can help you make sure that you have the products that your customers are looking for. Finally, selling on a multi-vendor marketplace means that you can save money on things like inventory and staffing. This means that you’re not only selling more products, but you’re also saving money along the way.

Seller-to-Business (SMB) Ecommerce Marketplace


SMB marketplaces are designed for individuals and small businesses who want to sell their products on a marketplace. This means that you’ll be selling your products directly from your website. However, you’ll be selling them on an existing marketplace. This helps you access an existing audience without having to build out your website from scratch.

However, there are some downsides to selling on an SMB marketplace. For example, you may not be able to customize your store like you would on a VTB marketplace. This may mean that you can’t add your branding or that you can’t add your product descriptions. This can make it harder for you to stand out among the competition.

Vendor-to-Business (VTB) Ecommerce Marketplace

VTB marketplaces are designed for big brands looking to sell their products directly to consumers. For example, if you sell shoes, you may want to sell your shoes directly to consumers. However, instead of building out your website, you can sell your products on a VTB eCommerce marketplace. This can help you streamline your business and save money on things like inventory and staffing.

Each VTB marketplace is different, so you’ll want to read the fine print and make sure that you understand the terms of service before you decide to sell on one of these marketplaces. Now that we’ve taken a closer look at what a VTB eCommerce marketplace is, let’s take a look at the Vendor Supply Co. Ltd. platform.

Vendorsupp Co. Ltd. Multi-vendor Platform

The Vendor Supply Co. Ltd. platform is a VTB eCommerce marketplace that focuses on merchandising and logistics. This means that you’ll be able to sell your products directly to consumers, and vendors will be responsible for the logistics behind getting your products to your customers. This includes everything from processing and fulfilling orders to shipping and managing returns. This is great if you don’t want to deal with inventory and fulfillment.

The Vendor Supply Co. Ltd. marketplace has a wide variety of products, including consumer goods, health and beauty items, and home and garden products. This makes it easy to find products to sell in your store. Vendor Supply Co. Ltd. also has a wide reach, with products listed in more than 100 countries around the world. This makes it easy to sell products to a wide audience, without having to worry about whether or not your products are available in their country.

Amazon Marketplace

The Amazon marketplace is a VTB e-commerce marketplace designed for big brands. If you’re a large company that has its products, Amazon may be a great option for you. This is because Amazon has strict brand guidelines for the products that are sold on its marketplace. This means that you have to sell your products directly from Amazon.

This can be a great option for companies that don’t have their websites or don’t want to maintain their website. However, if you have your website, selling on Amazon may not be the best option. This is because you won’t be able to take advantage of the traffic that you get to your website. Instead, all of your sales will be pushed through Amazon. If you are looking to sell sports equipment, toys or baby products, Amazon may be a great marketplace for you.

eBay Marketplace

The eBay marketplace is a VTB e-commerce marketplace that has a wide variety of products available. You can sell almost anything on the eBay marketplace, including clothing, sports equipment and toys. This makes it a great option for many different types of sellers.

However, the eBay marketplace is only available in certain countries. If you’re in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada or Japan, you can sell on the eBay marketplace. If you’re in another country, you can check out the eBay Seller’s Assistant to see if your country is listed. If you’re in an eligible country, you can register for an eBay seller account, add your products and start selling.

eCommerce marketplaces

eCommerce marketplaces are designed for a wide variety of products. This means that there is a great selection of products for you to choose from when trying to decide what to sell in your store. This can help you make sure that you have a wide variety of products that your customers are looking for. Whether you’re selling toys and games, clothing or sports equipment, there is a wide variety of products available on eCommerce marketplaces.

However, there are some differences between the different eCommerce marketplaces. For example, some may have a larger selection of certain types of products, while others may have a smaller selection of products. No matter which eCommerce marketplace you choose, there will be plenty of products for you to choose from in your category.

Amazon Business

Amazon Business is a B2B marketplace that sells business-to-business products. It’s a marketplace that offers bulk buying, simplified procurement, and integrated tools for managing inventory. Amazon Business also offers a single login with AWS for business clients that use its other business-focused products. For sellers, Amazon Business is a great place to sell their products. Amazon Business’s seller program, AWS, is often considered the more business-friendly, Enterprise version of Amazon’s Seller Central. AWS gives businesses the ability to scale their operations more easily, while also providing access to more sales and visibility due to higher traffic levels.


Now that you know about the different types of multivendor eCommerce marketplaces, it makes sense as to why you may want to sell on one of them. However, it’s important to remember that each platform has its own pros and cons, so you’ll need to do some research before you decide which eCommerce platform is right for your business.

In addition to the benefits listed in this article, a multi-vendor marketplace can also help save you money on things like cash handling and inventory management.

September 26, 2022

Website Design Trends and Forecasts for 2023

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Good web design is essential to effectively convey the required information regarding a business and provide visitors with a smooth & user-friendly experience while navigating. Web designs continuously evolve as new changes are introduced to offer a better experience to visitors. For this reason, it is important to know about the future trends to keep your website design relevant in 2023.

When visitors come to your website for the first time, they determine the quality of your product or services by looking at the site. So, a good website design helps you create a positive first impression. Also, in this way, the users develop trust in your brand. 

For your help, we have listed and explained the top web design trends and forecasts for 2023. Implementing these things in your website makes it more fluid, functional, and user-friendly. However, if you don’t know about web designing and programming, you can hire a website designer from a reputable design and development company. This way, you can get new design elements implemented in your website with the help of a professional.

So, without further delay, let’s check out the top web design trends and forecasts for 2023.

Top Web Design Trends That Will Become Mainstream in 2023

Full-Screen Forms

Minimalist web designs are immensely popular in 2022, and this trend doesn’t seem to fade soon. People like websites that are straight to the point and free from unnecessary information. For this reason, full-screen forms are slowly becoming mainstream. 

Although forms were previously used in the websites, we are talking about full-screen forms that cover a large area on the screen. Their key benefit is the visitors don’t get distracted by other web page elements. As a result, they remain attentive and gain more clarity regarding your product and service.

Dark Mode

Nowadays, users are spending more time on gadgets like smartphones and laptops than ever before. Too much screen time causes the users’ eyes to get tired. That’s why, they avoid websites that have bright white colors, as it is not comfortable for their eyes, especially at night time. For this reason, implementing dark mode in the website design is more of a necessity than just an additional feature.

Moreover, the webpage content becomes more highlighted when you use darker backgrounds. So, whether you want the visitor to focus on a specific CTA or register your brand in their minds, you can utilize the dark mode for various purposes. A good approach is to provide the users a toggle on the website, allowing them to turn dark mode on and off according to their preferences.

Parallax Scrolling

If you want to take your visitors’ engagement to the next level, parallax scrolling is the must-have feature on your website. It creates an illusionary 3-D effect for the users, through which the webpage appears as if it has depth. With the help of different backgrounds, foreground designs, and visual elements moving at different speeds, the users have an interactive browsing experience. 

As the users scroll down, you can gradually introduce them to your products, services, or any other required information. This way, the users spend more time on your website, which is ultimately beneficial for your business.

However, implementing parallax scrolling effectively on a website requires deep knowledge of web design and programming. For this reason, a reputable web design company like Stellen Infotech should be your first choice, to get such elements properly implemented in your website design.


Chatbots are slowly becoming mainstream on websites. They provide support and assistance to customers in problems that don’t require human expertise. The main benefit of using a chatbot is that the users don’t have to wait for a human representative to respond from the other side. You can offer instant responses to the visitors, by configuring automated replies for the respective users’ queries.

Moreover, chatbots are becoming smart day by day. With the help of artificial intelligence, they can learn from their past interactions with the users and improve themselves. Chatbots keep the visitors engaged in conversation. As a result, they not only stay on the website comparatively longer but also get clarity over the company’s products and services.

Split Screen Layout

The split screen layout involves dividing the web page into 2 halves, which are used to show different information to the visitors. For instance, a menu on one side of the page while information on the other side. This trend is rapidly gaining popularity, especially for e-commerce websites.

In 2023, the classic split screen layout is going to transform and become more asymmetrical. So, the content in different parts of the webpage will be placed according to the respective businesses’ products and services. Additionally, the dividing line will be replaced by interactive elements.

The split screen layout design can best be implemented by an expert only. If you are looking to use this feature on your site, consider reaching out to a reputable web development agency for the most promising results.

Animated Cursors

Animated cursors can make your website more lively and interactive as they transform the way users interact with the site. When the visitor moves the cursor to different sections of the webpage, they get to see appealing visuals and animations. In 2023, implementing cursor-triggered animations on web pages is going to be a common practice.

It becomes almost certain that the users will spend some time on your website, playing around with the cursor and checking all the different animations. So, you can put the appealing visual in the sections in which you want to put the most emphasis. Such as the “Buy Now” button or “Schedule A Session” section. This way, you can generate more sales, while offering a fun user experience to the visitors. 


The design of future websites must be more focused on addressing the needs of the visitors and connecting them to the product and services in a simple way. So, it is time for you to enhance the design of your website and optimize it according to your target audience’s needs? The above are the top web design trends and forecasts for 2023. After going through them, you can effectively decide which design features you can add to your website. 

Besides you can contact us at Stellen Infotech! We are a design and development company offering web design solutions that help your business grow and reach its true potential. Check out our website to explore our services and get a quote!

Ultimate Checklist of SEO Basics for Web Developers
September 12, 2022

Ultimate Checklist of SEO Basics for Web Developers

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Together, SEO and web development can improve website performance and raise visitor traffic. Web developers can optimize a website for greater search engine ranks by using their knowledge of effective SEO methods and how to apply them. However, a lot of site developers, especially beginners, are not knowledgeable about broad SEO approaches and strategies.

Creating both user-friendly and search-friendly content is essential. Also, quick loading speed is a key aspect to be considered when building a website. All of this contributes to attracting more and more potential audiences to engage with the site. As a result, the SEO improves, thus, increasing the traffic. After all, the likelihood of losing a traffic source increases if Google fails to understand what a web page depicts.

So, in this article, we’ll discuss the SEO strategies that web developers should use to make sure their site complies with Google’s rules. These suggestions will also aid in making the website speedy, safe, and simple to use on multiple devices.

Let’s begin!!

Fundamentals of SEO for Web Developers

Use Heading Tags Appropriately

Heading tags acts as clues for search engines. Make sure to use the heading tags for content and not only for CSS shortcuts. Use them in order and accordance. For example, don’t use the H5 for the web page’s biggest heading and H1 for subtopics or subheadings. 

Simply follow the hierarchy of how heading tags are utilized and represent the content and overall website well. 

Ensure Quick Website Loading Time 

Website speed is a key aspect that Google evaluates for search rankings. After all, slow webpage or site loading affects conversions and user experience. 

Here, every web developer must follow the set of ways mentioned below to optimize the site speed. 

  • Keep the code clean and light.
  • Stay careful when using extensions or plugins. 
  • Minify and compress CSS and JS.
  • Ensure having a better hosting environment.
  • Keep the size of the images optimal.
  • Benefit from lazy loading.
  • Browser caching is essential.

Remember if a plugin or extension is not-to-update, it can slow down the website’s functioning. Also, an image size of more than 10MB will impact the website’s loading speed. 

Simply put, keep a check on all these factors and continuously improve site speed.

Check the Redirects

The website migration and the launch process is incomplete without the redirects. 

Ensure that every URL from the previous website has a 301 redirect to the new website’s page with the most relevant content. The redirection can be performed from one old site to the new web pages. Even it can vary from many to one if your objective is to simplify or revamp the content layout.

Avoid assuming that a page is rendering correctly and doesn’t need any updates, modifications, or redirects.

Add a Sitemap

Every web developer must prevent the indexing emphasis on irrelevant pages, photos, or other items and avoid wasting time and resources.

XML sitemaps are a great chance for website developers to ensure search engines understand all the web pages. It is referred to as a file that provides information about webpages, site files, videos, and the connection between them all. Search engines need to be guided with hints about how the pages link to each other and all this is possible by adding a sitemap. 

Keep your internal linking appropriate and relevant. The search engines will find it simple to crawl a site in this way. Additionally, confirm that the websites are included in XML sitemaps that affect a 200 server code. Keep the pages free of 404s or redirects that do not lead to the desired page.

Evaluate the Robots.txt File

No SEO effort is of use if the site fails to index and rank on the search engines. Here, checking the robots.txt file for what is written in it is essential. 

Many sites failed to rank only because they disallowed the commands from staging. Here, considering blocking low-value items that CMS creates can be helpful. It can be anything like comment sections, tag pages, and more. 

If it is challenging to keep the pages from generating junk, at least prevent them from being indexed. 

Optimize the Website for Mobile-Friendliness

While the stats say 54.8% of website traffic comes from mobile devices, many websites still neglect the significance of mobile-friendliness. Google follows a mobile-first indexing approach to ensure websites fulfill the criteria of delivering an excellent UX. 

The Google bots use the mobile version to crawl the site. Hence, if any site fails to perform on mobile devices, it loses the chance of ranking well on the SERPs. So, optimize the website for mobile-friendliness. It is best to use a variety of testing tools to determine how well the website functions on mobile. They can further recommend the modifications. 

Understand the Implementation of Structured Data

For SEO professionals, the use of structured data might be rather difficult. Developers benefit much from it, though. They already know how to format the web page so that each element fits appropriately. They also know how to make the text simple to read for both people and bots.

Utilize the anchor sentences in the images as well. These are the clickable links that are typically present on CTAs such as “click here,” “learn more,” etc. People are better directed by it.

Website Security is Vital

Website security is a preferred and vital key aspect considered by search engines. After all, getting personal data hacked affects user experience. Therefore, make sure the SSL is accurate and placed appropriately and this is where the website security begins.

In addition, implement the fundamental security measures to prevent site flaws that could allow access to altered content, an injection, and more.

But stay careful of site speed, particularly if you utilize plugins or extensions to secure the site.

Final Words

Improving organic traffic is the main objective behind any website development. Hence, SEO is vital for web developers. Web development experts who are knowledgeable and understand SEO basics can go a long way in making a difference to the website’s success. In addition, website development can be more efficient. 

If you are a website owner looking for web developers who can build well-performing websites with the knowledge of best search engine practices, we can help. Stellen Infotech has a team of experienced developers who know how to best optimize the website for Google-friendliness, ensuring that it is also an SEO-Friendly Website. Besides, we provide SEO services and paid advertising aiming to help ventures boost their online presence and help acquire customers via multiple channels. 

 Thus, helping businesses grow their customer base as well as distinguishing their online presence. 

September 1, 2022

5 Essential Design Tactics to Optimize Your Shopify Website

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The success of every firm is largely due to its website. For business owners, it is one of the key factors that determine the growth of an online store. However, the ease of use and responsive design process plays a vital role in attracting potential customers. Here, Shopify comes as an ideal platform to build robust and reliable websites. It assures that all the products are presented nicely, regardless of the device type a user uses. Thus, providing them with the best possible shopping experience. Also, it ensures increased conversions and sales. 

In addition to intuitive design, everyone wants their Shopify store to be visually appealing and optimized for conversions. Luckily, Shopify comes with enormous resources that make it easy to get started with the design process. It provides access to in-built theme templates and apps & widgets. Also, its wide community enables one to hire expert Shopify web designers or connect with professional developers to seek assistance. 

But the real challenge is how to develop a website that offers all these stated advantages while using the Shopify platform.

In this article, we’ll go over some website design tactics that you can implement to enhance your Shopify store and expand your business.

Let’s begin!!

Importance of Improving Shopify Website Design

Shopify is the widely used platform dedicated to building eCommerce websites and selling goods online with ease. Now the question is why focusing on design is essential. The reason is it triggers buyers’ interest and builds business credibility. In simple words, optimizing the website design contributes to driving more and more consumers to make purchases. 

According to a ResearchGate study, a website’s design has a significant impact on how many visitors become repeat customers. Even the poor design functionality makes the users abandon the site. It simply conveys that to boost sales and attract new customers, a store’s aesthetics are a priority that cannot be ignored.

So, below we will discuss the most effective design tactics to optimize Shopify website design. 

Ways to Optimize Design for Your Shopify Store

Pick the Right Theme

The first step is choosing the ideal theme. It is a form of template that determines how your online store will feel, look, and function for customers.

Choosing the Shopify platform for website design means having access to multiple paid and free theme marketplaces to level up the design process. However, knowing which theme is ideal for optimizing the store design comes as a question. 

Well, take into account the criteria like the design of the product representation and the features to include. Also, think about how you will add visuals to optimize the user experience. Remember when you customize Shopify, ensure it meets the criteria of mobile-friendliness. The website design must be mobile responsive so a top-notch shopping experience can be delivered to the users. 

Simply put, focus on all the aspects that contribute to building a seamless visitor experience. 

Optimize Website Design for Quick Loading

A website’s loading time impacts the business in enormous ways. A second makes a huge difference in conversions and page views. Also, users do not wait for slow-loading sites and switch to other options. On the other hand, besides the customer experience, sites with quick loading speed rank well on search engines. Thus, improving the load times for both SEO and user experience. 

So, follow these tips shared below that contribute to the site’s design and, as a result, improved site loading time. 

  • Compress Image Sizes: Adding product images to the store is essential and effective in delivering users the best experience possible. But images are partly to blame for the website’s sluggish performance. Therefore, the secret to making the site load faster than usual is to compress the picture files.
  • Prefer Using Shopify’s In-Built or Marketplace Themes: Yes, Shopify allows using third-party themes. However, because of their extra or unforeseen features, these significantly slow down the site’s loading speed. The Shopify theme, on the other hand, ensures that you know exactly what you are obtaining. Additionally, you can speak with the web developers and designers on ways to speed up the loading times.
  • Remove Unnecessary and Unused Widgets: Plugins and widgets that are not required just prolong load times. So, get rid of everything that isn’t needed and simplify the site’s functioning.

Besides, you can utilize tools like Google PageSpeed Insights tool to determine the load time and get tips on how to boost it. 

Incorporate Captivating Visuals

The next tip to optimize Shopify website design is to incorporate distinct visuals. The online stores hardly enable the shoppers to see or feel the product in person. 

Here, providing them with the best closeup of goods is possible via visuals. Incorporate videos, graphics, illustrations, and pictures to showcase the products in the best possible way. It will greatly promote conversions. But, make sure the product is showcased from each angle and is of high quality.  

Integrate Actionable CTAs

Make sure to include eye-catching CTAs all around the website. In the end, smart and actionable CTAs give customers what they want without interfering with their buying experience. The common call-to-actions include email address callouts, buy buttons, add to wishlist or cart buttons, etc. 

Here are some key tips to follow to improve visitor engagement with CTAs. 

  • Keep such clickable buttons short and engaging. Also, CTAS must be straightforward, and capable of depicting a sense of urgency. 
  • The next thing that comes is making these buttons visually appealing. Use noticeable and bold colors.
  • Place the CTA on the product pages in a clear area as well. It means your visitors should not need to find the button for “Buy Now” or “Add to Cart.” Make it easy to convert prospective customers into loyal ones with CTAs. 

Hire Reputable Shopify Experts

Hire a Shopify web designer for assistance if you discover that designing isn’t your thing and you don’t have the time to devote to it. Although you might be able to create a website in part on your own, their abilities and knowledge can offer insightful information.

The Shopify experts at Stellen Infotech are knowledgeable about features, design optimization, enhancing images for better representation, and other things. Additionally, they can adapt the design to the user’s particular interests and search phrases. The best thing about our expert designers is they come with a range of skill sets, experience, and budgets. 

In addition to these, you can read the blog postShopify Ecommerce Store Launch: The Ultimate Checklist It will help you find out what to take into account when launching an online store built on Shopify.

Final Words

To conclude, the business’s bottom line is impacted by website design. Here, the Shopify platform makes it simple to build a mobile-responsive, elegant, and fully-functional store. However, it requires the implementation of the right design tactics and elements that boost traffic and conversions. So, simply follow these tips and take one step towards boosting business growth. 

Additionally, expert guidance is necessary. After all, professionals are the ones who are aware of the best ways to enhance Shopify website designs. They will start by saving you time and increasing sales.

Thanks for Reading!!

August 25, 2022

5 Factors Web Developers Must Consider to Make a Website Responsive

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Responsive web design ensures building websites that adapt to and function well on mobile, desktops, laptops, and tablet devices. It reduces the chances of users abandoning the site and improves search engine rankings. Also, the user experience improves. Thus, resulting in higher conversions and business growth.

The website developers and designers emphasize incorporating user-facing features for the best possible performance and high-level functionality. Also, they make sure the site design is user-friendly and appealing. They oversee all areas of the website, such as coding and modification. Thus, keeping an eye on and contributing to its responsiveness and expected functionality. Once it is launched, they ensure the site content fits appropriately and is compatible with distinct devices of different screen sizes.

But the question is how web developers make a website responsive. In this article, we’ll go through the vital measures to take to carry out the objectives of the website design and evaluate its responsiveness.

Importance of Responsive Web Design

Building a website for a single device is not sufficient and optimizing it for multiple screens is essential. The reason is there are more mobile users than desktop users.

Around 57% of users do not suggest businesses with websites with poor design. Even the statistics for 2021 help to clarify the claim because they reveal that mobile devices accounted for 54.8% of all internet traffic in that year.

Hence, creating responsive websites adapting to several devices is the key. Let us discover what factors web developers implement to accomplish this.

How Web Developers Can Make a Website Responsive?

Specify the Suitable Responsive Breakpoints

What are the breakpoints? These are the points at which the website’s design and text adapt in a specific manner to deliver an outstanding user experience.

The websites are accessed by varying devices having different resolutions and screen sizes. Hence, enabling it for easy rendering across each of the devices is essential. So, images or content is not unnoticeable or seems misinterpreted.

Here, using the breakpoints or sometimes known as media query breakpoints is necessary. These are defined in the coding. The different breakpoints used for varying device resolution include:

  • Desktop or laptop with high-resolution: 1920 x 1080
  • Laptop: 1366 x 768
  • Tablet: 768 x 1024
  • Pixel 2: 411x 731
  • Mobile: 360 x 640

There is no need to implement breakpoints if the website design is covered with the use of small font size and a single column.

Utilize Fluid Grid

Earlier, the appearance and navigation of websites were dependent on pixel measurements. It means the size for HTML elements was set to static pixels. However, the fluid layout is the dynamic approach to building websites that easily resize the elements depending on the screen size. It does not work on fixing the static dimensions.

The web developers work on the source code of the website to implement the fluid grid rules. Thus, ensuring the site appears consistent across several devices. Moreover, the fluid grid offers control over the alignment.

Consider the Touchscreen Functionality

Considering touchscreens is essential. After all, most of the devices these days including laptops come with both keyboard functionalities and touchscreens. For instance, the menus will appear bigger on desktops so pressing them using fingertips would be easier. On the other hand, mobile screens will display a small element size. Hence, using the CTAs and images will make it easier for the elements to easily render according to devices and screen sizes.

Images and videos also need to display seamlessly across different screen sizes. To do this, you can code the rules that determine how images should be displayed on the website.

For this, use the code rules shared below.

Touchscreen Functionality

In this syntax, the role of:

  • Max-width is to enable the image to adjust its size on the varying devices depending on the container width.
  • Using sourceimage, and picture tags is to ensure one image is generated.
  • srcset attribute informs the browser about the picture to display according to the device’s type and screen resolution.
  • Using source tag means supporting the lossy compression of images required to make the website load faster.
  • Lazy loading is only implemented using the loading lazy property.

Define Responsive Typography

Usually, the responsive web design’s focus is on the flexibility of media, layout, and other elements. However, web developers must focus on defining the text font sizes and pixels. It will ensure the content is easily readable and adjusts to the device’s screen size.

Here, use the following code to reset the HTML element’s font size:

Responsive Typography

Now, define multiple text elements and their font sizes:


Test Website Responsiveness on Multiple Devices

The testing phase requires considering the following queries.

  • See if the layout adapts to the appropriate number of columns.
  • Does the font size fit the screen sizes of varying devices?
  • See if the content fits properly in the screen’s containers and the layout elements.

Besides, use the mobile-friendly test feature of Google to test responsiveness. How to use it?

Enter the website URL and hit the button “test URL” to obtain the outcomes.

In addition, you can utilize tools such as Chrome developer tools. It helps in the website testing on various screen sizes. For this, use the shortcut “CTRL+SHIFT+I” on your Windows desktop. On the other hand, for testing site responsiveness on Mac, press the “Command+Option+I” shortcut. Now, you can pick the device type to experiment with the website responsiveness.  


Considering all these factors above and implementing them step-by-step will help in achieving a responsive website. After all, the website’s responsiveness directly enhances the user experience. Remember internet users expect the websites to function ideally on their devices, be it the desktop, laptop, or mobile. If it fails, the chances of the website losing on potential audience increase. So, simply invest your efforts into following all these tips.

Thanks for Reading!!


August 12, 2022

Best Practices to Boost Your WordPress Website Development

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WordPress is a frequently used and reliable open source CMS. It enables experienced developers and designers to create unique websites with straightforward user interfaces and engaging content. As a result, the company can attract, engage, and inform its current and potential customers.

Developing business websites is the priority of every business these days. After all, it is the source of boosting the overall firm’s online exposure. Furthermore, WordPress powering more than 40% of websites on the internet makes it a viable platform for development.

But there are times when both the novices and experienced professionals get stuck with the coding hassles. Thus, facing issues in building functional and responsive websites.

You can easily find multiple WordPress development guides or tutorials. However, our write-up will cover in-depth ins and outs with actionable insights to impress customers with your website and strengthen the business.

Let’s begin then!!

WordPress Website Development Best Practices

Adhere to WordPress Coding Norms

The WordPress platform has coding standards in place and for some reason. It helps the experts begin working with other professionals from different parts of the community like web designers and more. Most of the areas it covers include themes, plugins, and coding. Following the standards ensure that code is easily readable, coding mistakes are minimal, and modifications are simple. In addition, they are well-known for optimized business growth and security.

JS, PHP, CSS, and HTML are the four primary code languages used by the WordPress platform. You need to simply understand the coding standards and use the right language and you will be on the right track.

Ensure Website Security

Securing the website with a username and password is obvious. However, avoid using easy-to-guess passwords. Create one using the combination of special characters, alphabets, numbers, etc.

Additionally, WordPress also offers multiple security plugins. These include Firewall, WPScan, Sucuri, etc. All these capabilities help monitor unauthorized login tries, and user activities, block spammers and ensure data protection.

You can even utilize the forms’ filtering approaches or a captcha system. It ensures the bots or spammers will not be able to send repeated requests to the forms.

Choose WordPress Website Themes and Plugins Wisely

WordPress plugins help create reliable websites. For instance, add-ons have an impact on security and slow down website speed. Therefore, it’s crucial to constantly update third-party plugins that guarantee website security.

Also, the chances of compatibility hassles of WordPress sites with updated platform versions reduces. Ensure the development expert you employ performs an audit on WordPress plugins. In addition, they must be kept upgraded, and their performance must be monitored.

Utilize Cache

It is the approach that contributes to boosting the site’s performance as a whole. This further helps in lowering the bounce rate. You can either use a plugin like Google PageSpeed as the caching solution. On the other hand, you can work with CDN, Cloudflare, and other caching services.

Make Sure to Write Readable Coding

Every developer must go above and beyond to meet the requirements for website development and to create readable and trustworthy codes. Usually, it begins with organizing the files, images, folders, and more. It ensures writing codes that are reusable and easily adjusted to cross-platforms.

The writing of readable code needs to follow the below-given principles.

  • Ensure reliability as it is vital that code performs the repetitive tasks hassle-free and utilizes WordPress APIs.
  • Follow the above shared coding standards to achieve optimal readability.
  • Use filter hooks and actions for enhanced extensibility.
  • When possible, use relative URL routes to make sure they are easy modifications when necessary.
  • Use abstract coding rather than just copying and pasting the snippets.

Use Custom Plug-Ins and Child Site Themes

You can add new features and functionalities to a theme but create a duplicate child theme for it. Never touch the coding of any third-party plugins. Otherwise, you may need to overwrite the code manually if there occurs any need for upgrades in the future.

Additionally, installing unique plugins is the best approach to provide the website with the functionality you want. The primary purpose of adding plugins is to make it easier to move between themes without hindering the functionality of the entire site.

Follow Code Spacing Rules

Correct spacing is essential to ensure easy code readability. Thinking about how to use it as the coding standard?

  • Make sure there are enough spaces between the opening and closing parenthesis.
  • After commas and on either side of assignments, string operators, comparisons, etc., add the appropriate amount of space.
  • Do prefer not to use a PHP closing tag.
  • Avoid using whitespace at the coding’s end.

Your codes will be reliable and easier to read if you adhere to these coding best practices. Isn’t it great!!

Perform Thorough Code Testing

One common mistake that many developers make is they do not test the code or find it significant to perform debugging. Besides, there are approaches like quality assurance and A/B unit testing to consider. This helps in testing the coding and identifying errors or mistakes early. Moreover, quality assurance ensures the proper functioning of coding in terms of WordPress development. Also, it sees if the user interface is friendly and easily navigable on the browsers.


To conclude, website building requires knowledge and expertise in both design and development. Only then the goals of enhanced user experience with the website can be achieved. So, being a developer, ensure you adhere to coding standards, follow the coding spaces appropriately, and keep up with the upgrades and development trends.

All in all, these best techniques will provide a solid base for understanding the way WordPress works in website development.

So, what are you waiting for? Hire the WordPress website development agency that assures the building of appealing, responsive, and sales-driven websites.

Stellen Infotech is a well-known WordPress website development company with great experts to meet development needs. They make sure to include fantastic features and functionality so that the customers have total control over how the website operates. Thus, assisting them in providing clients with great digital experiences.

Hope you find this write-up helpful.

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August 3, 2022

Essential Skills Every Web Designer Should Have

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Demand for web design is increasing daily as more firms move their business online. After all, online storefronts these days contribute a lot to the business’s bottom line. 

Are you looking to employ a web designer for your in-house or client project fulfillment?

Being a business owner, having a web designer who masters multiple languages, coding skills, digital strategies, and other technical knowledge is vital. Furthermore, a skilled web designer must be creative enough to introduce varying ideas for different project needs. After all, the website design is something that communicates with the customers and ensures that user expectations are met.

In this write-up, we have come up with the must-have and the right skill set to look for in a website designer before employing them. 

What is the Role of a Web Designer?

The role of a web designer is to create compelling websites ensuring higher customer engagement and business ROI. These include correct text placement, easy loading images, creative layout, etc. Also, it involves utilizing the style, font, and color preferences depending on the business objectives and needs. All it requires is coding skills and knowledge of HTML, CSS, etc. 

Overall, a website designer employs the workplace and technical skills to build a website design that looks and functions on multiple devices. They make a website not only focusing on a good appeal but optimizing it to deliver better UX. 

Must-Have Skills For a Web Designer

Technical Skills

Website designing depends on site usability and programming knowledge. Some essential technical web designer skills are given below: 

HTML, JS, and CSS Knowledge

HTML: HyperText Markup Language is the essential skill to meet any website design needs. Ensure the web designer you hire not only uses CMS or WYSIWYG but has the knowledge of HTML. After all, it is what helps to manage the workflow even when these editors are not efficient. 

JavaScript: JS is the skill usually owned by web developers that helps manipulate website components in real-time. However, web designers must know JS. 

CSS: HTML alone handles the website’s layout. The knowledge of Cascading Style Sheets is necessary to define the elegance and website’s visual appeal.

Visual Elements

Web designers use software such as Photoshop, Figma, Illustrator, and more. These assist in streamlining menu display and navigation and make visual elements appealing. The components involve icons, product pages, logos, banners, etc. But you need to look for web design experts who are also well-versed with the best design practices focusing on organized website information flow. These things include design theory, color theory, typography, and more. 

User Experience Knowledge

Every web designer’s skill set must understand the importance of user experience and how design impacts it. Hiring a UX expert can be the solution for large website designing projects. However, for small or medium design needs, web designers can provide a fine-tuned experience to the users. They will know every tip and practice to make each web page easy to navigate and use. Their efforts to enhance user experience will involve designing tailored to the target audience. 

Responsive Design

A business website must be optimized for mobile-friendliness and easy accessibility. Hence, the website designer you hire must adjust a layout compatible with multiple resolutions and screen sizes. They should make the CTAs, text, images, and other media understandable. Only then visitors will spend more time on site and perform necessary actions. 

Basics of Online Marketing

No web designer is an online marketing expert. But they must possess an understanding of how the visual representation of a website influences the marketing aspects. Digital marketers may ask for social media images, infographics, and more to support paid ads or write-ups. Hence, if the designer knows what visual can outperform the competitor’s efforts, it will benefit your business.

Web Designer’s Soft Skills

These skills ensure the successful completion and delivery of the design project. 

Communication Skills

Communication is the key to successful business-client relationships. When it comes to web designing, it is again significant. How? A designer who does not understand the business objectives will fail to communicate the business message to the clients. Also, remote work requires teams to efficiently communicate with each. 

Therefore, the designing expert you employ must possess collaboration and communication skills. It will include the knowledge of multiple technologies and platforms to facilitate better interactions. 

Creative Thinking

Website designing is challenging for any designer with a lack of creative thinking. Every designer must understand design issues from many perspectives and find solutions. Thus, making the design more enjoyable. Also, creative thinking skills are those that increase any designer’s value. 

Project Management

Professional website designing is a time-consuming process. Many web designing experts struggle with deadlines, handling projects, lack specific skills, etc. Hence, look for those familiar with the tricks to manage the project needs and deadlines. Thus, keeping the complexities at bay and not compromising the business goals throughout the procedure. 

Interpersonal Skills

Web designing includes the efforts of not only the designers but other business departments as well. For example, they may need to connect with the marketing experts and ITes to understand the client’s needs and who the target audience is. So, the web designer must have the skills and capabilities to connect politely with others and know how to optimize the site for increased conversions. 

Final Thoughts

Web designing skills are not sufficient in this everyday evolving digital world. The designers must hold expertise or at least basic knowledge of every field, especially everything related to online marketing and websites. 

Hence, when searching for a web designer for your next project, ensure you choose the one with an understanding of the bigger picture. It must include the creativity aspects to well-versed knowledge and implementation of digital strategies. Regardless of whether you want to hire a freelance designer or an in-house expert, considering these skills will help you make the right pick. 

In addition, keep the skill requirements clear and pick talented experts. After all, only they can make the visions transform into existence. 

You can hire the web design experts of Stellen Infotech. Our trusted website designers experts deliver creative services for multiple industry types. Thus, helping firms promote their brands, connect with the customers, and build a strong brand presence. 

Thanks for Reading!!

July 28, 2022

Effective SEO Marketing Strategies to Boost Website Traffic

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“Done building a compelling business website? Fantastic!! But will it be worthwhile if it is not recognized? Follow these SEO marketing strategies to rank your website on SERPs and drive increased traffic.”

Many businesses own amazing websites but fail to come up with proven and creative tactics to drive traffic to them. If you are also a business owner who wants their website to be discovered by a huge potential audience, remember SEO is a must. It is the process utilized by webmasters to enhance a site’s possibility of ranking high on Google and Bing-like search engines. In simple terms, SEO marketing strategies define how the target audience can know about your business. 

Additionally, statistics say 75% of users do not click through to the second page of Google results. It means driving traffic is not that easy but not impossible.

There are several methods for increasing site traffic, but not all of them guarantee success. So, in this write-up, we will discuss the most effective SEO marketing strategies to help you improve organic traffic, conversions, and overall search result rankings. 

SEO Marketing Tactics to Drive Organic Website Traffic

 Featured Snippets

Featured Snippets are a piece of content that ranks on the top of Google SERPs. These are written and optimized to give users direct answers to their queries without making them switch to the competitor. Featured snippets are helpful, easily visible, and more likely to generate organic traffic

Simply do the following:

  • Use short, simple, and concise sentences with not exceeding 20 words limit. Avoid single and long-form paragraphs and language complexity. 
  • Structure web pages with headings and subheadings. It becomes easy for Google to search or understand the relevance of your webpage with the user queries. Thus, increasing traffic and improving website rankings. 

External linking or backlinks is a vital factor leading to increased website traffic, and ultimately ranking. So, ensure you create backlinks with reliable sources. 

  • For this, you can write guest posts. It is an ideal way to get backlinks, increase SERP rankings, and enhance referral traffic. 
  • Perform in-depth research and pitch the high authority websites for guest posting.  
  • Ensure you write good quality content that adheres to guidelines. 

Write Compelling and Quality Content

The website traffic and ranking depend on the content quality. Also, Google sees if the website provides the relevant solution to users’ specific searches. Google’s main aim is to provide the best user experience possible. So, when the user demands for the right and engaging information are met, you ultimately achieve the expected traffic and ranking. 

So, below are some of the elements you must include in your content to make it more user-friendly:

  • Use relevant CTAs
  • Incorporate visuals throughout the website content
  • Keep navigation bar efficient and straightforward

Relevant Internal Linking

Another SEO marketing strategy to boost website traffic is internal linking. It is the process of linking the site’s content with other website blogs or pages. For instance, you own a flower shop. You can publish blogs regarding flowers on multiple occasions. Within the blog, you can add links to the flower range you sell and for which you have category pages on the website. 

Such internal linking will help users explore more and increase their time on the website. Additionally, it can:

  • Assist visitors with easy website navigation
  • Distribute credibility or link juice across the site
  • Help build an information network

Keep Meta Titles and Descriptions Descriptive

SEO Meta

When you post content, it is the one part responsible for ranking. Another element responsible for effectively encouraging the users to visit the site is the meta title and description. Both help users to click on the content in search engines. 

Remember that meta title is responsible for increasing or decreasing the website clicks. So, if your title tag is not catchy or conveys the sole purpose of the webpage, you may experience a reduced number of clicks.

Consider all these points when creating title tags and descriptions:

  • Add relevant keywords
  • Write it for your users
  • Keep title and descriptions unique for all the webpages

Remove Elements Affecting Website’s Loading Speed

The website’s loading time affects the SEO and user experience. Users will abandon the site if the web pages do not load quickly. Thus, reducing the website traffic and raising the bounce rate. 

  • So, check if unnecessary elements like plugins are incorporated into the webpage contributing to reduced load times. If yes, remove them immediately. 
  • Inspect other issues like HTTPS implementation, broken links, redirects, etc. 

Utilize Advertising Strategy to Boost Website Traffic

Advertising your website, web pages, or content on multiple social media channels efficiently boosts website traffic. For example, you can run PPC ad campaigns. Simply target a few of the keywords and analyze how well it attracts the potential audience. 

Similarly, you can count on Instagram and Facebook advertising that is widely popular to increase website traffic.

You can also employ the best SEO company that can run advertising campaigns for you if you are willing for paid ads and require instant traffic. 

Repurpose Content

You might be thinking about how to utilize content to boost website traffic. The best way is to repurpose existing content. Pick a well-performing blog post with potential traffic and repurpose it into infographics or video. You can also pick the best of your podcasts, if any, and write a blog on them. This will help you continue engaging the visitors and increasing site traffic. 

Incorporate Social Share Buttons

Do you know what social share buttons are? These are the links when integrated on the website or any blog page, enabling the users to share the content on their social media. Once your users begin to promote your website, the website traffic increases. 

Here are some ways below how to encourage readers to share your content. 

  • Build highly-informative, user-friendly, and quality content
  • Use quotes and phrases in your content
  • Add infographics, videos, images, and other multimedia

Final Thoughts

The need to attract potential traffic will never end. So, it is essential to implement these SEO marketing tactics to yield the best possible results. With so many options, you need to pick the alternative and see how it works for you. Remember SEO is a never-ending learning process. Therefore, make the most of these tips to rule the SERPs and achieve increased website traffic.