July 4, 2019

3 shocking ways in which Gamification can make your Website Design Impressive?

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Did you ever notice if training takes place in the form of a game, you achieve the expected result much faster? It happens because it becomes interesting and you are much involved in the process. Game elements are used not only in training, but they can also be applied in business. Many web design companies prefer using gamification in website designs as they make it more engageable for users. Let’s talk about gamification and discuss its method of operation on websites. 

 How Gamification improves a website design

What exactly is gamification?

In simple words, gamification is a user’s involvement in a problem-solving drive through gaming. Websites that have game elements, are more attractive and are recommended by people to their friends and relatives. It helps to increase sales, registration on the site, boost contact lists and clicks and decrease bounce rate. 

When you hear “gamification”, the first thing that comes to mind is game design. Although gamification and game design has a couple of similar features, they are not directly related. Always keep in mind that gamification is a design technique based on using game mechanics outside of games. Competently implemented gamification improves user involvement and increases conversion up to a great extent. 

How game elements improve user experience? 

Gamification is often associated with PBL- points, badges, and leaderboards. A web design company always assumes that it is possible to liven up the user experience by simply adding some bonus points to it. But it doesn’t happen in many cases. If people have the motivation to do something, they play games, not for points but because it gives them pleasure and challenges.

  • Web Design Gamification

Web design company sites use gamification to give visitors a clear product path and clear goals. Users feel like a real player, start the whole adventure on the site, interact with the brand and purchase the products and services. It makes interaction with the site much clearer and more predictable.

  • Challenge and Reward

Challenges and rewards in gamification

Folks love challenges. They force us to focus our efforts on the results and prove that we can solve any problem by hook or by crook. 

  • Puzzles

using Puzzles in gamification

You must have played puzzles in childhood. In the end, there was always a feeling of joy, when a whole picture came out of small details.

Note: You can use different elements of gamification on your website as per the user’s demand. IT companies offering web design services have a better knowledge of it. So, work with them to implement proper gaming elements on your website & make visitors happy. 

5 basic principles of gamification

Gamification principlesBrief Explanation

The application develops with the user

When you design an application, it is very important that the digital product is perceived as something that can be used repeatedly. In most games, players usually go through the initial stage, which is essentially a learning cycle, and then within a few days or weeks, get a basic understanding of game missions and slowly move from simple interaction strategies to more complex ones.

So, it is very important to evaluate users differently depending on what stage of the cycle they are at. Always keep in mind that application functionality and user experience must be adapted to a specific life cycle of a player or user.

Target loop

It is very important to know the main behavior of users towards the application. All interactions should be encouraged. If this is not done, the application will inevitably lose some of its attractiveness sooner or later. Determine the target loops & focus the attention of users on them. Working with target loops is the main driving force of gamification. It allows you to build a system in which there are cycles of reward and encouragement for people. The pleasure received by users from the reward, stimulates them to repeat basic actions over and over again.

Resource Limiting

Regular Internet users are smart and dexterous. So, by limiting their actions and access to basic resources, you can push them to maximize the results of their experience. Many mobile games have their own currency, a points system, with which you can build the best base, city or village, depending on the type of game. By allowing users to decide for themselves how to spend these limited resources, they can create the feeling that they are autonomous in their actions or achievements. In order to understand how resource restriction works in a non-game application, visit a Tinder dating site. So-called Super Likes are used there to show increased interest in other users. Such an approach allows users to keep their attention and stimulates new registrations. The company owners get leads by selling super likes. 

Strengthening the sense of ownership

Interaction with a personalized application through a character or a game avatar is extremely fascinating. It increases the user’s loyalty to the brand. Always keep in mind that the cost of communication with the application increases. If you give users something that they can be proud of or cherish, they will sincerely love applications. They will not show interest in competing products. While interacting with applications that include game elements, there is always a place for creativity. So, whenever possible, personalize the reward or give the user something that will show that his invested experience, time or ingenuity did not go unnoticed.

Social environment and personal experience

Each application is designed for a specific audience. These most active users are very valuable for website or app developers. So, they need to evoke a feeling of unity with the service or site through the use of social hypersensitivity. This is not an easy task at all. Social interaction and personal experience matter a lot here. Clash of Clans is a fine example of gamification.

Examples of gamification in web design


Game Elements


Experience points, levels, upgrade mechanism, etc.


The opening of the object, the achievement of the goal.


Competition, completion of the mission.



Zoho Motivator

Competition (hard mode)


Quizzes, riddles, platforming, etc.





Final Words

Gamification was in use several years ago. However, during this time, its popularity has faded up to a great extent. User experience has come to replace gamification. Nevertheless, the basics of the game are still present in the design. The inclusion of game mechanics in non-game applications is still an important principle. Therefore, it is still worth talking about gamification. Implement it on your website/app with the help of a competent web design company. It will help to develop interaction cycles with an application or site and generate lots of business opportunities. Best of Luck!

June 20, 2019

7 hilarious marketing tips to Win Clients And Influence Markets In 2019

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The market is becoming more expensive with every passing day. The cost of acquiring new clients has increased by up to 50%. Which is why everyone is in search of new and strong marketing tips. With increasing costs, customers are becoming less trustworthy of brands. So, in this scenario, you should just give up? The answer is “NO”. You need to work smarter in order to win clients and at the same time influence markets. This can be done online and offline too. For online marketing, you can hire a reputed Internet Marketing Company. It can be done on platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Email marketing etc.                      

Nowadays, every brand is marketing itself, online and offline. This gives birth to many doubts in a client’s head. As they get confused in selecting the best brand for themselves. So, in this situation, they go for the one which is offering them the best services at the lowest cost. You need to keep in mind a client’s requirements and hold their weak nerves in order to attract them towards you. That’s the correct way of marketing your brand. For this, firstly you need a SEO company, which can provide you best SEO services. Here are some strategies to follow in order to win clients and influence markets in this era:

  1. Increase your brand awareness & visibility

increase brand awareness for marketing

The success of any business is mostly dependent on how much the customers know and feel about it. Efficient brand marketing and visibility should be on the prior list for business growth. Branding develops the business characteristics for providing unique identification to the business. Using modern digital marketing trends and advanced technology helps in increasing brand awareness and visibility. Transparency of the brand to the customers is important to amplify the chances of success. The more understand-ability of the business by the customers will increase the chances of business development. A number of marketing methods are there that should be adopted to increase brand awareness and visibility, such as:

  • Develop a Unique Character and Voice
  • Research and Understand your Audience
  • Establish a Professional Business Website
  • Considering Social Media Networks
  • Start a Blog for Business
  • Content Development and Marketing
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Efficient and Constant Communication
  • Consider Influencers and Partners
  • Graphical and Visual Content
  1. Dig deeper: Get to know about your frequent customers

Get to know about your frequent customers for better marketing

For a strong business marketing, it is important to comprehend frequent customers details, like, who they are, what they need, etc.  To have the details of customers will not help you to understand them and their requirements. So, it is beneficial to even travel some miles to connect to frequent and future customers and will pay in the long run.  Here are some of the tips that will help you to understand the customers better:

  • Develop a Customer Profile
  • Consider All Available Data
  • Don’t Make presumptions
  • Use Social Media
  • Customer reviews
  • Conduct Surveys
  • Hold an Event
  • Look Past the Purchase
  • Keyword Research
  1. Do a Good Market Research

Good Market Research for better marketing

The main reasons to buy the product can only be captured from good market research. It analyzes how personal and social factors are helping to influence customer behaviour. Market research can be executed in two varieties, that are primary and secondary. Through primary research, you can analyze the customer directly and secondary research involves a third party who has gathered information about the customers. You can execute them according to your plan.  Some of the points are mentioned below that helps you to understand the way to do market research:

  • Define your customer identity
  • Discover a portion of the identity to engage
  • Involve your market research members
  • Plan your research questions
  • Draft your primary rivals
  • Outline your findings
  1. Use your Happy Customers to make Marketing Network

Happy Customers to make Marketing Network

Through R&D, it has been analyzed that most of the successful business people are those who depend more on the power of networking.  To keep a healthy relationship with a customer can owe you several benefits. Being friendly will lead to a continuation of the work with you but nurturing a good relationship with them will result in timely payments, new sale leads, return on time investments and positive word of mouth.

The one manner to improve your client relationship is to make proper use of networking contacts of your clients. Connecting your client with the desired contact or using the contact being referred takes your relationship to a new level of mutual respect.

  1. Go for Freebies

Freebies for better marketing

Freebies are in Business trend nowadays, they can be used to achieve beneficial exposure and to attain a large audience.  From a long, business persons are using giveaways to familiarize their products to the customers and for alleviating their brand awareness. It is a winning strategy though. But, if you are approaching this marketing  strategy then it should be executed in an appropriate prototype. So, here are some of the tips that should be followed to make sure that freebies can bring more money:

  • Analyze your budget
  • Do not give much
  • Provide small samples
  • Approach influencers
  • Link with the community
  • Create Demand
  • Let them want more
  1. Try to create a transparent relation between you and your customers

Try to create a transparent relation between you and your customers for better marketing

Customers need transparency. The focus these days is on customer satisfaction and customer experience that depicts that full transparency with the customers develops a more profitable and stronger relationship. Additionally, for attracting the new customer’s, transparency permits you to better deliver the new ones with the surety that they stick with you.  This is how transparency helps to grow the business. Some of the useful tips are mentioned below that helps you to become more transparent with your customers:

  • Fulfil your promises
  • Be accurate and truthful
  • Be timely and responsive
  • Develop two-way communication
  • Share the knowledge
  • Guide them for their mistakes
  • Listen to your customers
  • Guide the customers of change
  • Thank your customers
  1. Always upgrade your product or services with latest Trends in market

update your product or services with latest Trends in market

Upgrading to new business technologies/products or services increases the production rate. Though, many business people are still reluctant to the previous products. It is because of their familiarity or easiness with the old ones.  Upgrading to new products or services is much easier than you think. It is hassle-less and investing time in them will be beneficial for a business perspective.

  • Increased productivity
  • Improved communications
  • More efficiency
  • Enhancements
  • More security
  • Less costs
  • Compatibility
  • Engaged customers
  • Business development

Concluding Remarks

Adopting the marketing features mentioned above will help your business to grow.  Your brand defines your capability, so you should be creative and experimental enough.  Instead of attracting the client for sales, use your resources and energy into landing the absolute best clients for your company. Investing resources in achieving brand visibility and brand awareness is worth the time. It helps your business to get in the marketplace and to the customer’s heart.  Try out the mentioned ideas and don’t be anxious to experiment.

June 12, 2019

5 ways to Improve your Customer Experience with Virtual Reality

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How a user stand out in the market to succeed in this jungle of competitors? With R&D, it has been found that it is fully dependent on customer engagement. That is, providing an outstanding customer experience.

With this appealing technology, the software development company can lighten the customer’s journey.  For some years, Virtual Reality (VR) has taken a quantum leap to change the market. The global Virtual Reality market size can reach $215 billion by 2021. For improving the customer experience, other development companies have started searching the technologies.  This fact helps in enhancing the marketing strategies of Virtual Reality.

For enhancing the real world with the digital overlays, augmented reality is used. Whereas, Virtual Reality aims to put the user in the entire virtual environment.  

The market growth of Virtual Reality in 2018 was expected to be $27 billion.   The applications, like, medicine, education, healthcare, business, and astronomy are expanding like a flame in 2019. And, the expected growth rate is  $209.2 billion in the coming four years.

As per recent analysis from Greenlight insights, $209 billion will be the total revenues by 2021 Source.  Estimation of active Virtual Reality users worldwide from the year 2014 to 2018 (in millions) is shown graphically below:

Estimation of active Virtual Reality users worldwide

Virtual Reality is changing the method of communication of business leaders with the customers by using some of the developing technologies.  This article defines the factors that help to improve the customer experience with Virtual Reality.

  • Virtual Product design

Product design for virtual reality

The best key to cut the expenses with improvement is virtual product reality. A user can analyze the product with no extra cost. But, only by the virtual stage that provides 360 perspective.  Its aim is not limited to offer the best customer experience but it personalize the services and products.

  • 3D Digital Showroom

3D Digital Showroom

Without any rules, the 3D digital showroom provides close to brick and mortar for the product. If the product has an approach to deliver a unique feel and touch. This can be gained by a 3D digital showroom with ease. This technology is used by IKEA, Lowe’s and Audi to provide a better customer experience while analyzing it digitally.  

  • Remote Control Instructions

Remote Control Instructions for operating virtual reality products

These instructions provide an vision to the beginner.  As these applications are more useful in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Health Care. But, are recently being used by savvy companies in every industry, like, in Hololens,  Oculus Rift and Gear VR.

  • Training

Virtual Reality Military Training

Virtual Reality for training is useful for beginners. It is gaining a lot of attention because of devices like Gear VR, Oculus Rift. These devices are being used by different companies, like,  military, and education. It involves the trainee in a 3D environment with the best designed Audio Visual (AV) headset.

  • Gamification Applications

VR gaming

It develops a new rule for the supply side production values and product presentation. It has improved the sales room performance.  And, is now ready to improve customer experience.

For the same purpose, games came in the marketing jungle. Virtual Reality is fully involved in the gamification strategy.  It is not limited for fun purpose, it is actually showing a huge difference.

Take away

Giving the customers with authentic impressions with a feel of unique emotions is now welcome with great Virtual Reality experience.

Happy customer and developing business is vice versa. Committing to the customer experience is useful to stay in the market. And, Virtual Reality is one of the best ways to implement it! Below are some virtual reality benefits which can actually enhance your customer experience. Also, your customers won’t leave you, probably ever :

  • Develops a positive emotion connection before sale and deal.
  • Raise a ownership sense
  • Saves money and time
  • Permit global reach
List of 20 websites which are Best to Learn PHP
June 4, 2019

List of 20 websites which are Best to Learn PHP

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There is a great demand for PHP developers in the web design and development market. IT companies that offer PHP development services win several assignments. That is why many individuals tend to learn PHP programming. Many working professionals look for websites to learn PHP programming. So, we have created a list of 20 such websites. Let’s have a look.



It is an interactive online platform to learn 12 programming languages including Python, PHP, JavaScript, Ruby, Java, etc. You can also work with the jQuery library and markup, HTML and CSS web page. If you want to get the basics of PHP programming language quickly, then get started with it. It helps to learn how to write error-free PHP code and create amazing websites.



This website provides programming exercises for different languages, C #, C ++, Haskell, JavaScript, Lua, Objective-C, Perl 5, Python, PHP, Ruby and Scala. You just have to download the exercise sheet of the language of your choice with the client application exercism.io. Add your work to the site and Programmers from around the world will comment on your assignment. As per their suggestions, you can improve your code. It is a very useful website for beginners in PHP programming. They can receive feedback from experts and improve their PHP coding skills.



Hexlet is an open web programming learning platform that offers short courses lasting several hours for software developers, both for beginners to professionals. All training programs are completed in two different parts- theoretical and practical. You can subscribe either monthly or yearly package to learn the the PHP programming language.

Code Pad

Code Pad

Code Pad is an online platform where developers can save and share code snippets. They can save snippets online to Code Pad. They can access it anytime and from any place and start coding websites easily. When you save the snippet, you need to configure the access mode: public, partially private or completely private.



With W3Schools, learning PHP programming becomes easier and fun. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or you already have experience- this website allows you to test your PHP programming skills and learn to write something new. You can learn more about different PHP versions and be an expert PHP programmer.

PHP 101

PHP 101 is a nice online platform for beginners and students with uncertain knowledge of PHP. You can easily learn the basics of PHP programming, use it properly during website coding and become an experienced specialist quickly. PHP telegram channels, additional PHP materials, and convenient feed- all help you to learn PHP programming easily and quickly.

Code School

Code School

It is one of the best platforms for learning PHP programming. This website is an ideal offer for anyone who has already mastered the basics and wants to reach a new level. It offers 60 different courses from IT professionals. The duration of the course depends on the complexity and structure of PHP skills you want to learn. Some of its courses are free, while some others are premium. Apart from PHP, you can also learn CSS, CSS3, HTML5, Ruby, Python, Git, Javascript, Elixir, .Net, Database, Electives. Intermediate and advanced level programmers are greatly benefited from this website.



Codecourse comes with “Learn PHP” playlist on YouTube. It allows you to learn the simplest, as well as, complex PHP coding skills in an easy way. Videos help you to learn the modus operandi of PHP coding. You can view those videos and solve complex problems. The platform frequently publishes new videos. You can see those videos and learn the art of PHP coding.


PHP buddy

It provides numerous online tutorials, lessons, and articles for PHP coding. There are also a few videos. It is a nice platform for anyone who intends to learn PHP coding from written instructions. You can also use as a reference while learning PHP from other sources.



The website has an interactive collection of programming problem. You can solve those problems to boost your programming skills. A variety of tasks, achievements, tests, viewing the best solutions, discussions, ranks make the website very useful for all those people who want to solve problems iof different programming languages Clojure, C ++, C #, Elixir, F #, Go, Haskell, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, Rust, Shell, SQL, Swift, TypeScript.



PhpED is a commercial and integrated development environment for PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, XML, Smarty, XHTML, and others. Presently, it works only on windows. PhpED has its own web server that helps in debugging. It has almost everything that you need to write high-quality PHP code- spelling correction, code completion. Navigator helps to find the various components of the code in different languages. Its different functionalities help you to write PHP coding under different circumstances.



BitDegree offers different free courses that range from programming to game development. They provide standard online programming courses and in-game courses. You can learn those courses to achieve success in learning and improve interaction in the process. Just choose your language and start learning. It allows you to learn different programming languages such as HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, SQL, Jquery. BitDegree is unique as it a blockchain in the process of formation. There are transparent rewards and a system of achievements that help Custom PHP development to create amazing websites and web applications.

Stone River eLearning

Stone River eLearning

It is true that Stone River eLearning is not a PHP specific website. However, its online courses cover all aspects of PHP language. Once you purchase its course, lifetime access is provided to you. You can also use it free of cost for 30 days as a trial period.  It is popular among learners because of its video-based lectures, direct email notifications and forum support for all courses.

Killer PHP

Killer PHP

You can get awesome video tutorials for PHP programming. Just visit this website, learn PHP coding and dive out. Each section of PHP programming language is well-explained in videos. It is very useful for both novice and experienced PHP learners. They can use these videos to learn PHP programming skills and try their luck in PHP development.

SitePoint PHP

SitePoint PHP

The SitePoint PHP is a good source for PHP guides and tutorials. It is the best site for PHP novice and intermediate users. Experienced users can use it to up-to-date with the latest versions of PHP & create trendy websites. Visit this website regularly if you really want to try your luck in PHP development services and get immediate success.

PHP 5 Power Programming

PHP 5 Power Programming

To be honest, it’s an eBook for PHP beginners, intermediate and advanced programmers. They can download it totally free of cost. You can learn more about PHP with this eBook and hone your programming skills.

Develop PHP

Develop PHP

This website contains lots of PHP tutorials for the novice, intermediate and advanced level PHP developers. Its videos are uploaded on YouTube & and embedded to the website. You can get any course and learn more about PHP programming. After completing the course, PHP application development becomes easier for you.



Tizag may be your helping hand if you are looking for a reference in PHP. It is similar to W3School when it comes to design and display. This is a good website for all PHP learners as its content is authentic & specific.



Codeigniter can be your true friend if you are really searching for a tool kit to learn PHP programming. It also helps to learn more about PHP programming skills and enables you to gain expertise to become an expert PHP developer & take care of assignments related to custom PHP development.



Lynda is not PHP specific website. It is a website that offers tutors and experts to publish their sources on specific programming languages. PHP learners can use the knowledge and experience of experts to boost their programming skills and try their hands-on E-commerce website development.

Final Words

The demand for the PHP development services is increasing with each passing day. Individuals search for free and authentic sources to learn PHP programming skills. These are the top 20 PHP learning websites. Just use these resources to learn PHP & make great moves in PHP development.

May 21, 2019

6 ways to Maximize Business Leads and Conversions through Live Chat

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These days, chatbots (popularly known as virtual assistants/live chat) are being used by almost all leading business organisations. It helps entrepreneurs to improve the communication level with customers. The process of purchasing goods or ordering services should be as convenient as possible for the client. In order to ensure this convenience, a whole complex of works is performed- with design, content, navigation.

Any cooperation between a company and its customers primarily involves a constructive dialogue. People use Live Chat tools (often called virtual assistants/chatbots) to help customers feel like home at websites, get more information about products & services. But how a live chat plugin can maximize your business leads and conversions? Let’s find out.

  • Instant Communication with Website Visitors through Live Chat

Instant Communication with Website Visitors through live chat

Not all customers that land on your website are highly educated. From time-to-time, they need to learn more about specific products and services before making transactions. After landing on your website and searching for specific products and services, they expect a speedy answer to their questions. So that they be able to make a final decision and complete the product/services purchasing process. A chatbot answers to the customer’s questions and clears their confusion about the product. It helps you to satisfy a large number of customers & sell more products every day.

  • Conduct Statistical Surveys

It is very important for an E-commerce company or retail brand to know the buying intentions of customers to conduct business marketing campaigns accordingly. With the help of a chatbot plugin or tool, you can easily conduct statistical surveys on your websites. It will let you have a deep insight into the behaviour of customers and make personalized marketing decisions accordingly.

  • Provide Technical Support

All customers that buy products from you are not tech-geeks. Many of them use products recklessly or simply don’t have complete knowledge of the technical specifications of products. When such customers land on your website, it’s very important for you to provide instant technical support. A well-programmed chatbot can easily perform this task and make customers happy. That can ultimately leads to 100% customer satisfaction & increased sales.

  • Easily Collect and Structure Customer Data

In today’s highly competitive business world, only those companies become successful that has an effective data management mechanism. It’s not an easy task for a human being to collect, store and update the data of each and every customer. So, they use chatbots for this assignment. A well-designed chatbot can easily collect all data and help customers to make transactions in an easy way.

  • Chatbots Never Take Rest

Always keep in mind that human communicators and sales representatives need rest and recreation after working for a certain period of time. Customers have nothing to do with it. They want your business to be available at their service 24*7/365 days. Artificial chatbots never get tired. They work day and night to interact with customers and supply them with the necessary information.

  • Business Personalisation

Business personalization is one of the most important aspects of any business organization which aims to sell more products and services. Business marketing individuals carefully study the specific requirements of each and every customer. So that they can send personalized newsletters to catch their attention. A chatbot collects important data about customers and helps in business personalization, which leads to the ultimate success sooner or later.

Final Words

Continuous communication between a company representative & a customer is the only way to build trust and encourage the latter to buy the desired products and services. Just install an artificial chatbot to your website with the help of an SEO service company & take your business to the next level by communicating with customers on a regular interval.

May 16, 2019

How Artificial Intelligence Is Affecting SEO?

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Artificial intelligence refers to the use of Automated software or program which performs different activities on instructions and settings. The complete different actions quickly and efficiently without requiring any human intervention. Several industries, such as information technology, medicine, aviation, eCommerce retail, etc, depend on artificial intelligence to process a large number of data, segment users into different groups and offer personal business solutions to the right people at the right time and generate leads and sales in bulk on a daily basis.

  • A helping hand in keyword research

Keyword research is one of the main activities of Search Engine Optimization in which digital marketing professionals explore the main search terms used by internet users to find the desired info products and services over the global internet. SEO specialists have to determine the user intent and the potential audience the exact keyword that can represent their business on the web and assist search engines to track and display appropriate web pages in search results. So, they use artificial intelligence based keyword research tools to automate the Keyword Research and Analysis work and find the best keyword for their business.

  • A great help in Search Engine Optimization

A large number of SEO experts optimize the sites for different search engines but only a few of them are able to generate the results expected by a professional SEO company. It is because the rules of Search Engine Optimization keeps changing every now and then following Google’s update. So new as well as experience digital marketing professional find it very difficult to optimize sites for higher ranking. that is why they used artificial intelligence based plugins and tools to optimize websites in a proper manner and help it rank in the top search results of different search engines. AI-based SEO tools also track irregularities in your SEO campaigns and red mark them. You can work on those issues and improve your SEO skills greatly.

  • Content Grilling

There are many digital marketing professionals who are reckless about the content quality they use in website optimization. They just get the content from content developers and upload it on websites for consumption. Such content may have many errors which diminish the reputation of your brand in the search engines and visitors. Google will never show your website in its top search results if it is loaded with outdated and low-quality content. You should not forget that there are many content writers who just do the copy paste job to produce content. If you use such low-quality content for Website Optimization you will not be able to find a place on the first page of Google.

Therefore it is very important for all digital marketing professionals to check the content quality carefully. But due to the excessive work pressure, it is not possible for the same to check each and every content manually and find out all possible mistakes as it demands a lot of time and attention. So, they can use the AI-based content moderation tools to find possible errors, check it’s uniqueness, keyword placement, grammatical mistakes. Such tools automatically point out errors in your content and suggest possible changes. You can easily fix those mistakes and make the content more useful for the targeted audience.

  • Automated protection to your website

Almost all digital marketing professionals unanimously agree that safe websites attract a large number of audience and help their owners to convert visitors into paying customers. You must always keep in mind that tell at your side is prone to different types of online security threats. It is impossible for a Webmaster to keep a close eye on activities taking place on a website. That is why they use artificial intelligence based security plugins and tools to automate the site security work. Such tools prevent attacks on your site successfully and keep it safe in all circumstances.

  • Automation of Data Collection and storage

All those digital marketing professional who optimizes eCommerce website need data to know the user intention and provide a personalized business solution accordingly to sell more products and generate leads. You must always keep in mind that eCommerce website Optimization is not a child’s play. An eCommerce website may have several product pages making it very difficult for Digital Marketing professionals to take care of their Optimization aspect and help search engines to rank those pages in top search results. That is why today digital marketing professionals use the dedicated CRM software to automate the collection of data and its storage on cloud servers. The CRM software automatically optimizes the customer data and assist SEO professionals in E-commerce website optimization.

  • Automation of email marketing activities

Email marketing campaigns are one of the most important works of Search Engine Optimisation. In this process, digital marketing professionals send newsletters to subscribers to introduce new products and services to them, create awareness of the brand, retain the lost customers and increase the website conversion rate sooner or later. Digital marketing professionals experience a lot of pressure while conducting even marketing activities If a company has the largest subscriber base which is growing with each passing day. It is because the preferences of different uses are totally different from each other. There is no benefit of sending a newsletter which doesn’t meet the needs of targeted audience. So company used artificial intelligence based email marketing tools automatic delivery of personalized newsletters to customers at the right place and nighttime. This increases the possibility of reaction to the delivered newsletters and enable entrepreneurs to get it business benefits.

  • Website Optimization for voice search

Of course, there are a large number of internet-Savvy people type keyword in the search bar of search engines to find the desired information, products,and services. But young generation is using voice search for the same. Instead of typing text in the search bar of search engines they use voice command to find the desired stuff. Out of 100, 20 people use voice search command. And the most interesting thing is that then numbers are growing with each passing day. Therefore you should optimize your website for voice search. You will be able to generate more traffic to your website and convert them into leads. All this is made possible with the use of artificial intelligence in Search Engine Optimization.

Let’s conclude

In 2019, the dynamics of Search Engine Optimization is changing fast. Digital marketing professionals are using the latest technology for the site Optimization and increasing the overall business opportunities. Use artificial intelligence in Search Engine Optimization to boost the effectiveness of your SEO campaigns and stay at in the online business at all times. Good luck.

May 7, 2019

Up Your Game With These 8 Mobile App Development Trends

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Have you been procrastinating to build an app for your business from a long time? Is it getting difficult for you to digitize your business and ultimately monetise it?

Think no longer as competition is already hard, so if you play hooky you will end up losing a great deal of traffic and profit simultaneously…

App Traffic + Conversion = Revenue

Did you know that mobile application development can really help you reach very high levels of business transformation? Conversion calls for action which must be taken by every ‘far-sighted entrepreneur’.

There are a hundred thousand ways of creating an app- right from conceiving an idea to designing a wireframe and coding work to launching an app on Google Play Store (if you  are creating an Android app.)

Things can become quite obscure if you don’t pre-plan the whole mobile development process in advance. Of course, it matters a great deal when all strategies are laid out well and followed well.   

“Every day, on average, 4.3k apps are released on the Google Play Store…”

Source from: https://www.activatedesign.co.nz/Blog/13-Amazing-Facts-About-Mobile-App-Development/

This fact is breathtaking enough for any business owner to get into action right away…

What type of app should you develop for your business?  

As soon as you manage to convince yourself to invest into mobile application development services, what hits your mind instantly…any app ideas?

Rather app ideas to make money?

Many factors contribute to the selection of an app idea. Dig deeper into the world of app ideas that haven’t been made yet…

People actually spend 87% of their time on mobile apps in comparison to websites.

Source from: https://www.activatedesign.co.nz/Blog/13-Amazing-Facts-About-Mobile-App-Development/

When it has become incredibly important to bring your business on a smartphone/ tablet, what else than a mobile app would be helpful? Current scenario values out-of-the-box and never thought-off ideas so that app users are impressed at first glance.

Witness Business Growth with these best 8 App Ideas 2019:

We are already aware of the top 3 apps that people can’t live without. If you haven’t guessed until now- Amazon, gmail and Facebook are the three giants that people deny to skip.

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) apps:

Undoubtedly, apps with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have led to skyscraper popularity in a very less span of time. With apps based on these two technologies, any mobile application development company can create productive and fun apps with ease.

Thinking upon ways to create such apps is important, no matter what! Pain is gain.   

There should be a proper plan through brainstorming sessions to create such apps to provide meaningful solutions to client business. It is high time to capture the market with this technology and show your business vision to transform businesses through mobile app development.

Why Artificial Intelligence in apps matter?

  • AI brings extreme perfection and efficiency.
  • Boring tasks can be completed easily.
  • It takes customer satisfaction to high level.

Siri, Google Now, and Cortana are obvious examples of artificial intelligence, but AI is actually all around us…”

Source from: https://www.alphr.com/artificial-intelligence/1002792/what-is-ai-ten-things-you-need-to-know-about-the-future-ofSource from: 

For Instance: AI apps such as AI Assistant apps, AI camera apps have come to attract the future of trending apps.  

  • Blockchain apps:

Blockchain has come to take a high position in the most amazing app ideas, Android developers should be creating. Isn’t it like entering into a world of advanced technologies making things simpler through complex processes. Indeed surprising that we have come to a threshold of the best of technological era.

“Tech will transform from something we actively use to a more seamless integrated experience that is ‘on’ all the time.”

Source from: http://info.localytics.com/blog/the-10-most-telling-quotes-about-the-future-of-mobile

                    – Daniel Bæk, Co-founder of Nodes

Why Blockchain in app development is buzzing?  

  • Increasing acceptance of cryptocurrency.
  • Flurry of ideas for Blockchain apps are possible.
  • Top-notch security in financial transactions.

Global blockchain market is expected to be worth $20 billion in the year 2024.

Source from: https://www.btcwires.com/c-buzz/will-the-global-blockchain-technology-market-be-worth-20-billion-by-2024/

For Instance: Blockchain wallet app, distributed cloud storage, networking and more…

  • Internet of Things (IoT) apps:

IoT apps utilizes interconnected machines/ devices or computers on a large-scale so as to receive real-time information of things and never miss a moment! Internet of Things has helped automate tasks and free up time with the humans like never before.

You should always put your best team and your best app on your mobile app.

Source from: https://www.textmagic.com/blog/21-inspiring-quotes-about-the-future-of-mobile/

                               – Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman of Alphabet Inc.

IoT devices save a lot of time and money. Users experience the highest level of satisfaction while using these devices or machines. Things happen which were mere dreams. Thanks to the technology of Internet of Things that imagination is transformed to the best of the industry for good.  

Why IoT should be your choice in apps?

  • Error-free integration of sensors in devices.
  • Real-time analytics and embedded systems.
  • User-experience of highest level.

“$60 trillion in Industrial IoT investments by 2030″

Source from: https://www.fool.com/investing/2017/11/25/10-jaw-dropping-facts-about-the-internet-of-things.aspx

Internet of Things Examples in terms of apps: Smart home apps, Smart city apps, cars etc.

  • Apps for Wearable devices:

Wearable technology has entered into the world of app development and has found unlimited admirers. Wearable technology future definitely shines bright with high-class innovation in healthcare, education and so much more. With this in mind, we have included it in the list of top app ideas Android. Obviously, the same applies to iOS platform as well.  

“The relationships between the apps that a user has installed on their phone will become exponentially more important, to both the consumer and the businesses themselves.”

Source from: https://www.textmagic.com/blog/21-inspiring-quotes-about-the-future-of-mobile/

                                                     – Nate Smith, Co-founder of URX

The pros?

  • Wearable technology for healthcare is the best discovery ever.
  • It reminds employees at workplace to exercise more often.
  • Boon for health and fitness freaks.

The wearables market could be worth $25 billion by 2019

Source from: https://www.fool.com/investing/2017/11/25/10-jaw-dropping-facts-about-the-internet-of-things.aspx

For Instance: Wristbands, blood pressure monitors, fitness tracker and many other wearable devices are up in the market. Get an app built to manage these devices to get maximum benefits.

  • Augmented Reality (AR) apps:

Augmented Reality Definition: It is a combination of technology interwoven into real-world surroundings for almost real experiences. The objects are thus, enhanced by computers and technology that UX is taken to a level of hyper-realism and craziness. It is not just about visual experience but the olfactory, auditory and other surprising elements.

Why Augmented Reality apps?

  • These apps engage the user in a blink of an eye.
  • Personalised experience to the users is possible.
  • Hyper level of interactivity with users.

If you still don’t know, Google maps is an AR based app which is also the most inspiring app every for any mobile application development company.

Can you ever forget Pokémon Go?

It belongs to an era of AR based apps.

Make your app the next best-thing in the mobile app industry with these clues at your disposal.  

“Mobile is not the future, it is the now. Meet your customers in an environment of their choice, not where it is convenient for you.”

Source from: https://www.textmagic.com/blog/21-inspiring-quotes-about-the-future-of-mobile/

For Example: Augmented Reality apps for education, Augmented Reality game apps, Makeup trial apps, dress try-on apps and more.

  • Virtual Reality (VR) apps:

Virtual Reality apps have brought a revolution in mobile development industry. Unfortunately, there is still much in a latent phase. So much remains to be discovered and so, every entrepreneur has an opportunity to dig deeper into concepts and apply them to their app development processes.

Talking about Virtual Reality and Virtual Reality headset, there is no looking back when it comes to giants like Google, Facebook, Samsung and Youtube who are trying to capture the market with their own products.  

“About 75 percent of the Forbes World’s Most Valuable Brands have created some form of virtual reality or augmented reality experience…”

Source from: https://www.youvisit.com/learning-center/blog/12-surprising-virtual-reality-facts/

It has become extremely important to look up to technological advances such as VR apps as compared to traditional apps. Users find it easy and interesting to use high-tech apps.

Pros of Virtual Reality app:

  • This technology makes things highly captivating.
  • Enhancement of user experience.
  • Error-free training in defense, aviation and industries.

For Example: Virtual Reality 3D, Education and sports Virtual Reality apps, Marketing and Games.

  • Shopping (m-Commerce) apps:

If there is a kind of app that would rarely go out of trend, then it has to be a shopping app. M-commerce (mobile commerce) is the fastest way to gain fame and popularity in this pushing era. You have to have a twist in an online shopping app that can help you stand out in the crowd. Thinking of features that are not yet seen, would help your users stick to your shopping app.    

“From 2013, when Zara first launched their mobile app, their sales have increased well over 60% today”  

Source from: http://customerthink.com/the-future-of-fashion-ecommerce-lies-with-mobile-apps/

Online shopping apps bear a tag of giving a hassle-free shopping experience to users. This is pretty true as well customers love to purchase from apps which was able to give smooth experience while shopping. On similar terms, giving a crowd-free environment with maximum payment methods never fail to attract and retain customers.   

Why choose to create m-commerce apps?

  • Variety of products can be added to the app database.
  • Multiple payment methods for use.
  • High discounts and price comparisons.

“Mobile apps have lowest shopping cart abandonment rate: apps – 20%, desktops – 68%, mobile sites – 97%.”  Source from: https://www.forbes.com/sites/quora/2017/12/19/why-many-online-shopping-sites-are-becoming-mobile-shopping-apps/#20ea943a62c2

For Instance: Mobile shopping apps for fashion, clothes, electronics, grocery and more…   

  • Chatbot apps:

Chatbot technology is being integrated by app development companies into apps for better customer service as well as quick handling of customers. But, these days everyone has an option to develop apps with this technology just for fun. An extension of Artificial Intelligence, Chatbots are fun and functional at the same time.  

“Visitor interactions with bots on your website increase lead conversion by up to 36%”

Source from: https://www.intercom.com/bots-for-sales?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=1524458325&keyword=%2Bchat%20%2Bbot&utm_ad_collection=63822088968&utm_ad=339017868641&match_type=b&network=g&ad_pos=1t1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5OP__NWI4gIVCiQrCh0b7A-_EAAYASAAEgJRl_D_BwE

If bot conversations can lead to such a high increase in sales through a website, why would it be not possible to double the numbers in apps? As soon as you utilize this awesome technology, it hits your users right away and engage them in seconds! Hire a chatbot development company to get your own bot app developed. Certainly worth putting into the list of app ideas.

Why use chatbots?

  • Chatbots help optimizes sales and marketing.
  • Helps to acquire, engage and support customers.
  • Conversing just like a real person.

Example: Joke bot, Quote bot, Meditate bot, Health bot and more

The Rundown:

We pulled together an ultimate list to create apps with high-tech technology integration such as Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and so much more.

We believe you will choose the best viable trend for your business domain and hire an experienced Android app development agency for services.

How to find a good SEO company?
March 18, 2019

How to find a good SEO company?

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As a number of companies are living into the world of internet based business, the demand for seasoned and competent SEO forms is increasing with each passing day. It is because the higher the ranking of your website is, the more business opportunities are likely to come in your way.

Most internet users browse websites that are shown in the top search results of Google and other search engines. Hardly anyone likes to scroll down the search engine pages and look for the desired stuff.  A competent SEO company can easily promote your website on the web and help you get lots of business opportunities every day.

Startup companies and busy entrepreneurs have no idea about the Ifs and buts of digital marketing companies that provide SEO Services to needy clients. There are many SEO companies in the market to make tall claims about their capabilities but they fail to fulfill their promises in most of the times.

That is why it is very important for a person to effectively evaluate the claims made by digital marketing companies and choose the best SEO company for the promotion of their brand on the web. But how can you choose a good digital marketing company yourself? Let’s find out.

  • Search on the World Wide Web

It is one of the easiest ways to find the best SEO companies in QuickTime. You must always keep in mind that all digital marketing companies have an online presence so that they can find clients all over the world and provide them with the required SEO Services. So, use your favourite search engine and type the SEO firm in its search bar. The search engine will display multiple results for the same. Now it’s your duty to visit those websites, check the SEO packages offered by them and select one which is suitable for your needs and budget. It is recommended that you should not choose the first SEO company you come across. In order to get more clients, different digital marketing companies complete family with each other and try to provide the maximum number of SEO services on affordable price tags. Therefore, you should evaluate the SEO packages of different companies and choose one which is best for you.

  • Ask about the website Optimisation technique

There are many ways to optimize your website and help it rank well on all leading search engines. Different digital marketing professionals use different SEO tricks to promote a website. You must always keep in mind that the rules and regulations of Search Engine Optimisation keep changing from time to time because of frequent updates in Google’ algorithm. So in digital marketing, only those SEO professional get the desired success who keep themselves up to date with the latest SEO practices and implement them honestly in day-to-day website Optimisation activities. Therefore, while looking for a digital marketing company you should inquire about the technologies used by them for Website Optimisation. This will help you to choose an SEO service company that is honest in making promises and bringing about the results you expect from it.

  • Look for the company’s infrastructure

There is a proverb that all that glitters is not gold. It’s 100% true when you look for a digital marketing company on the internet. There are many business organizations who end up choosing an SEO firm which takes a lot of money for website optimization, but its performance is not good in terms of website traffic, leads, sales, interaction with the targeted audience, etc.  There are many fraudulent SEO firms on the market that aim to mint money from their clients anyhow. So, they take projects from their clients by making tall promises and transfer the assignment to freelancers. Such companies have no infrastructure for website optimization and so they can’t deliver the desired results. So you must choose an SEO company which has the in-house infrastructure for Website Optimisation. The company should have the necessary tools required for SEO activities. Also, it must have a team of following IT professionals:

  1. Team leaders
  2. Digital marketing professionals
  3. Content writers
  4. Internet  Security experts
  5. Website designers and developers
  • SEO Budget

Different digital marketing companies charge differently for Website Optimisation services. Always keep in mind that popular SEO companies have different packages for clients. You should have a look at the SEO packages of different digital marketing companies and choose one company that is ready to offer the best possible SEO Services at an affordable price tag.

  • Frankly Talk about results

When you invest a considerable amount of money in your site Optimisation, then you must get a decent ROI every month. So, when looking for a digital marketing company, you should frankly talk about the time period in which they will be able to generate results in terms of the site traffic, leads and sales.  A good SEO company can generate tangible results in 3 months. Be careful about all those digital marketing companies who promised you to bring unexpected results in just 1 month. It is simply no more than a white lie.

  • Read Ratings About SEO Companies

Reviews and ratings in a lot of thing about the reputation of a  digital marketing company. So, when looking for an SEO company, you must read the reviews given by customers. If there are too many negative remarks against the digital marketing firm, then it is possible that Its services are lousy. A company with a positive rating is considered to be good for the site Optimisation. If possible contact a person who has already acquired the services of the SEO firm you are going to hire. You will be able to get impartial feedback from him or her and take a decision accordingly.

Final Words

The ultimate success in an online business depends on how will you optimize your site for different search engines and generate traffic. When looking for the best digital marketing company keep above-mentioned things in mind to make a smart selection and get a good return for the investment you make. Best of luck!

March 2, 2019

How to Generate Sales for eCommerce Store on Instagram?

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Initially, Instagram was created as a free photo-sharing application. Now, sophisticated entrepreneurial minds have started to use Instagram to sell products and services as it works wonders with visual images. An account on the popular social network Instagram is a great opportunity to attract new customers, communicate with them and generate leads.

According to the 2019 Statista report, Instagram has become the 6th most visited social network in the world and over 500 million active users around the world open Instagram every day. 80% of all users follow at least one business page on Instagram.

New features allow millions of retailers to use Instagram to offer products, collect feedback, retain customers and attract them to sites for purchase. So, we will talk about some Instagram solutions for e-commerce to increase traffic to the site, customer loyalty, and generate sales. Let’s mull now.

  • Choose an Account Type Based on Your Niche and Instagram Goals

There are several types of Instagram accounts for business promotion. You can determine the type of account as per your specific business needs. An Instagram account with good live followers, feedback, many hundreds, or even thousands of hours of invested work and money worth exorbitant amounts.

Types of Instagram accountsBrief Explanation
Instagram showcase (For Online Stores)Showcase the images of your popular products and service to generate leads.
Image account (For all companies)Apart from images, company news, personnel, awards, etc, are shown here.
Thematic account (To Interact with the audience)It acts as a community whereon posts are made on specific topics and a corresponding target audience gathers. You can monetize such accounts through the sale of advertising slots.
Personal AccountFor personal branding. Can be used to promote products and services and communicate with the audience. Suitable for companies that perform business in B2B Model.
Traffic accounts They look like landing pages. You can use such accounts to convert traffic to subscribers and customers. A great option for traffic arbitration.
  • Create Interactive Instagram Content

The peculiarity of Instagram sales is that the pictures are the main content. The video is a step behind and is not popular among its users. You need to follow some rules while choosing images for sharing on Instagram.

  • The image must be original and unique. So, click images yourself. Don’t steal them for image search results,
  • Visualize your products and services in the best possible way to get calls from customers and
  • Add fresh emotion and sensuality. Boring posts will not attract anyone and all your efforts for sales will go in vain.

Always keep in mind that Shopping on Instagram will allow users to interact with content by choosing different layers. Thanks to this new feature, they can find out more about the product and go straight to the seller’s website by clicking on the “Buy Now” button. It’s just a perfect solution that offers a smooth and understandable shopping experience.

  • Go Extra Miles to Trigger Customer Actions

If you are really serious about generating sales through Instagram, don’t get satisfied with basic functions. Just use dedicated online platforms to give a unique shopping experience to customers. Such tools help you to display star rating, recommendations based on purchasing behaviour, the total number of sold products, customer photos, automatic publications, custom headlines, colours, descriptions, selection of similar products, links, and additional photos, etc. When users view a product in an Instagram post, they can follow the link in your profile that will redirect them to a site with a similar interface. Users can see the product rating, CTA buttons, and marketing posts of the brand. All these increases the chances of transactions up to a great extent.

  • Create a Content Publication Schedule

It doesn’t matter how valuable your content is, you should not clog the news feed of subscribers with too many posts. Most companies make 1-2 posts per day to get immediate responses from customers. Through trial and error, you will find out the exact time and data when your subscribers most actively “like” posts. Use a dedicated Instagram marketing channel to create a schedule of posts on your Instagram account. Connect Instagram with other social networks to spread your posts on different social networks & increase their visibility.

  • Use Hashtags to Make Posts Go Viral

Using tags, you can help your target audience to find your brand easily on Instagram because tags help you to sort pictures by subject and make your brand look different from others. You can use them to create new trends and promote the sale of goods and services. But, don’t make its excessive use.

  • Use 15 Second Videos

Instagram videos will allow you to announce new products, perform mini-reviews, entertain your audience, contact them directly. Always keep in mind that people are more likely to watch this video than follow the link on YouTube.

  • Affiliate with bloggers/popular People/Opinion Leaders

If possible, sign a contract with a well-known person, such as a film star, a successful artist, architect, etc. Post a recommendation from a reputable person who has already earned the trust of the audience. It will work wonders for you sooner or later.

Final Remarks

After seeing the increased interest from the business community all over the world, Instagram has introduced new features and functionalities for business promotion & marketing. So, start using Instagram as a sales tool to create leads and sales by leaps and bounds. Good Luck!

February 22, 2019

Email Marketing Tips for Shopify Store

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Competently composed and personalised newsletters give many advantages to the owners of an online store when it comes to working with customers. They can use it as a tool to easily communicate with the targeted audience, form a large customer subscription base, retain and maintain loyal customers, solve the problems of customers in an easy way and establish long-term relationships with them.

Email marketing for online stores (based on the Shopify) is a key to success in the business. Its effectiveness cannot be underestimated. According to statistics, well-planned Email Marketing Campaigns for online stores contribute to about 7% of all transactions.

You must note that the mailing list is different. It can be an indispensable assistant on your way to success or a waste of time, money and effort. Effective email-mailing is often achieved through trial, repeated testing and constant work to improve the quality of communication with customers.  So, have a look at key methods with which you can make email marketing for online stores efficient & generate more leads.

  • Create A Definite Plan for Email Marketing Campaigns

Successful email marketing campaigns always start with proper planning. The main objective of this is to develop a sequence of further actions and make preparatory work to perform different tasks. First and foremost, decide the main goal of email marketing campaigns, such as to increase website traffic, to introduce new products and services to them, address the problem of shopping cart abandonment, generate more sales and leads, etc. Explore the competition in the market and spy on competitors who are already quite successful in Email Marketing. Follow some methods and ideas to increase the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns.

For clarity and convenience in Email Marketing, divide newsletters into different categories-

Types of NewslettersBrief Explanation
Regular mass mailingsAll subscribers.
Automatic mailingFor welcome letters, re-purchase offers, etc.
Notificationspassword change notification, the reminder of an abandoned basket, order confirmation letter, dispatch confirmation letter, customer satisfaction letter, etc.
  • Choose the Right Audience

Email marketing experts always advise you to segment your target audience and send personalized newsletters to each group. For this, you need to pay attention to previous purchases made by customers and take note of repeated purchases and viewed products. Past purchases inform customers to reflect their preferences. Constantly remind subscribers about their need for new products. As soon as the product is finished, they flock to online stores for buying new commodities.

  • Choose A mailing Service

It is always necessary to choose a mailing service to send newsletters to customers. Experienced advertisers recommend that you must familiarise yourself with the most popular marketing tools, explore the pros and cons of each tool and choose the appropriate option for Email Marketing Campaigns. When choosing a mailing service, just keep certain requirements in mind.

The service should be able to download the subscriber database manually or automatically via the API. It must have a functional HTML-editor, the ability to create autoresponders. Don’t ignore testing and analytics as it will allow you to test newsletters and give detailed statistics on campaigns. There are lots of companies that provide Email Marketing Services to clients. Evaluate their offerings and choose the best one.

  • Make Changes to Your Shopify Website

When you launch Email Marketing Campaigns for lead generation and sales, it is necessary to consider exactly how you will build the subscriber base. Initially, you should make changes to the Shopify website with the help of Shopify experts and add Registration/order form, End-to-end subscription form, Popup forms, etc. If possible, implement the same in Emails.

  • Use CRM Software for Automatic Data Integration

Of course, you can manually transfer the addresses of subscribers from their database to the mailing service. But it takes time and is monotonous work. If you can’t delay the delivery of newsletters, Emails should be sent automatically to subscribers on the scheduled date. So, you need to deal with the API services.

All Email Marketing individuals are not familiar with it. It is necessary to take the help of Shopify developers to write a technical task for the development of scripts and synchronize the base of mailing service. You can use the CRM software to make data integration through the API. However, they will not meet your requirements fully.

  • Create & Send Useful Newsletters to Subscribers

Now, it’s time to write useful newsletters and send them to subscribers. Keep newsletters simple, straightforward and to the point. You can send Information about goods, Announcements of marketing activities, articles, tips, reviews, instructions, etc, to the targeted audience through newsletters. Don’t use SPAM words in Emails. Otherwise, it will land in the SPAM BOX of Emails, provoking visitors to avoid your mail.

There has been a tendency to create stylish and unique newsletters. Just make newsletters interesting for potential buyers.  Standard mail services offer exclusive design skeletons for newsletters. You can choose the right design for newsletters and make changes to them as per your needs.

If your newsletter has a good topic, the user will open it. Always keep in mind that pictures and texts convey the essence of your message to customers. Add links and social links to invite your customers to the site and make transitions. Send only useful newsletters to subscribers at the right time with appropriate offers.

  • Use Autoresponders

It is difficult for owners of online stores to keep abreast of an ever-growing audience. They can use Autoresponders to build up leads and improve relationships with customers. Autoresponders send some messages to customers and keep them associated with your brand.

  • Reward Loyal Customers with Discounts, coupons, and special offers

When customers buy regularly from you, they expect some benefits from your side. Therefore, to please customers and get repeat business opportunities, provide some discounts and freebies to loyal customers from time-to-time. A good number of shoppers will love to buy from you to enjoy the benefits of discounts and free items.

  • Evaluate Your Email Marketing Efforts

It is very important to evaluate the effectiveness of Email Marketing Efforts and see the areas which need further improvements. Use an analytics tool to get reports on different KPIs for Email marketing campaigns, such as the total number of sent newsletters, clicks on the site, leads generated through Email Marketing campaigns, Spam Emails, subscriber growth rate, etc. Make necessary improvements based on the output and generate more leads and sales.

Final Words

An E-commerce business without Email marketing is hard to imagine. It helps the sales department to attract new traffic and customers, increase the user base, and create awareness of the brand and its products. Use the above-mentioned tips to launch Email Marketing campaigns for Shopify stores & get the desired success. Best of Luck!