April 18, 2023

How Local SEO Can Drive Traffic: Targeting The Right Audience

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Local SEO is becoming increasingly popular as more and more business owners are looking and aiming to reach local customers. After all, driving more local traffic to your website is important to attain higher sales, maximize profit levels, and generate a high ROI. By following impactful Local SEO Strategies you can increase your overall digital visibility in local searches made by potential customers. With this, you can drive more qualified leads toward your potential offerings and increase the likelihood of converting them into regular customers.

This article will provide an in-depth look at the Local SEO strategies you can employ to drive more website traffic. This write-up will cover website on-page optimization, local directory listing, and geo-targeted advertising. Furthermore, you’ll gain insights into optimizing your website for local search and crafting customer-focused local content.

Local SEO Strategies For Increased Traffic In-Store

Here are five impactful local search engine optimization strategies to boost foot traffic. These SEO strategies can help businesses encourage customers for impulsive purchases and generate more sales.

1. Identify Different Market Terms Of Your Offerings:

It is important to assess the terms and phrases that your local customers use to describe your brand’s products and services. Conducting keyword research is paramount to finding a stock of valuable words or phrases your customers might be searching for. Next is to determine the best ones you can use on your website to target your potential customers. While determining the potential keywords or phrases, it is important to identify location-specific keywords with high search volume. With this, analyzing the effectiveness of each is helpful to select the best ones to target accordingly.

2 .Website On-Page Optimization For Local Search Results:

A website’s on-page optimization is the process of optimizing the essential elements on your web page. This is important to make your website more visible on search engines and more relevant to potential users. There are four elements that should be properly and wisely optimized to make sure that the web page is mobile-friendly and responsive. These elements include:

Website Content

This includes ascertaining that the content on the website is relevant, interesting, and easy to understand for the user. Also, the potential selected keywords are strategically mapped in the content on the individual pages of your website.

Page Title And Meta Description

The page title and meta description of your website should be unique and compelling and include high search volume keywords. This will increase the chances of search engines ranking your web page in the top search results for answering user search queries.

Internal Linking

Adding internal links strategically between various pages on your website helps to improve the overall structure and navigation of your website. Additionally, this can enable website visitors to find related information and resources more efficiently. As a result, it provides them with a better user experience.

Image Optimization

Optimizing visuals and other multimedia on the website is important to maximize the site’s loading speed and superior performance. The image file should be compressed well and the file name should include keywords relevant to the image. This is important to help search engine crawlers identify your image content easily and display them in relevant search results.

Proper optimization of these website elements is essential to achieve success in improving your site’s visibility on search engines. Qualified professionals of Local SEO Services providers possess advanced knowledge in optimizing these elements finely. Taking help from these expert professionals can help ascertain a higher website ranking on search engines. This will allow more and more local people to find and reach out to you for products and services easily.

3. Utilize Geo-Targeted Advertising:

Geo-targeted advertising is a strategic technique local businesses should use to reach more of their target audience according to their geographic location. This type of advertising is an excellent way for businesses to spread awareness of their products and services. Targeting ads to your customers in specific geographic areas increases the likelihood of attracting them to your website. Additionally, this encourages them to convert into paying customers.

4. Be Listed on Local Directories:

Local businesses seeking to drive more website traffic increasingly prioritize listing on local directories. These platforms facilitate easy discovery by potential customers conducting online searches. Also, this is a great way for them to create more brand awareness locally and reach existing and tap into new customers. You can take advantage of affordable Local SEO packages offered by qualified professionals providing listing services. The professionals will help you pass through filing out crucial details like business name, website URL, address, contact number, and more.

5. Positive Reviews And Ratings:

Positive reviews and ratings on your website are an effective local SEO strategy to experience more traffic and lead generation. Customers look at the reviews and ratings of the products and services before making a decisive choice towards attaining them. Positive, happy, and satisfied customer reviews on your website will greatly boost your brand’s reputation. Additionally, this can also help it rank higher in local search results and encourage visitors to become regular customers.


These were the five impactful local SEO strategies. Following these can ultimately help you drive more traffic to your website and expand your reach to local customers. Achieving visible results requires the correct implementation of these strategies. Stellen Infotech is a leading and experienced local SEO company providing a range of optimization services. Our specialists will employ the strategies discussed above to improve your local business’s digital presence in local search results. This way more and more local customers can reach out to you and avail of your brand’s products and services.

March 28, 2023

10 Technical SEO Factors That Should Be Monitored Wisely

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The Search Engine Result Page (SERP) landscape and Reliable SEO Services are ever-evolving. Robust website optimization is crucial for the modern digital establishment of your business. Moreover, several technical SEO factors must be considered to ensure a highly functional, appealing, and responsive website. On top of that, monitoring these pivotal factors regularly is even more important for a smooth-running website.

Technical SEO factors monitoring helps businesses ensure to stay ahead of their competitors. Further, strengthens and maximizes their website’s visibility and performance on SERP. This article will explore six critical technical SEO factors requiring vigilant monitoring. Keyword audit, site page speed, crawlability, indexability, and renderability contribute to a refined website.

There are some more factors that you’ll see in detail further. So, let’s get ahead and understand these pivotal factors more closely.

Essential Technical SEO Factors To Monitor Wisely

XML Sitemap, keyword cannibalization, website’s mobile-friendliness, and image optimization are some factors that we will discuss in brief in this write-up. Read through to get started and see more factors that are to be taken into account for excellent website performance.

XML Sitemap

XML Sitemaps consist of properly formatted XML files containing a site’s URLs. They also include additional metadata for each URL, aiding search engines in site crawling. A website’s sitemap ensures easy discovery and indexing of all pages by search engines. Checking sitemaps regularly can help to identify broken links and pages receiving the most and least visits from search engine visitors. Monitoring regularly can help 

to make sure the website is free of issues that could affect the website’s performance.

Canonical Tag

A canonical tag is an HTML element that helps website owners or experts prevent issues related to content duplicacy. A webpage with a canonical tag tells search engines that this specific URL represents the first content copy of the webpage. Also, to get a specified canonical page over duplicate versions of similar content. This ensures that only the intended page version gets indexed by the search engines. Checking canonical tags is important to make sure that there are no issues related to content duplicacy. Furthermore, search engines should accurately determine the version of a page to index for ranking purposes.

Crawlability and Indexability

Crawlability and indexability of a website determine how easily search engines can access and index its webpages. Ensuring search engines crawl and index your web pages is vital for achieving a higher position on SERPs. Plus, ultimately attain success in terms of visibility and traffic. Both key aspects should be monitored to make sure that your site’s pages are visible in the SERPs.

Crawling monitoring involves tracking the number of web pages crawled by search engines. This aids website owners in measuring the effectiveness of best SEO practices, whether implemented independently or through a reputable SEO services provider. Indexing monitoring entails ensuring that search engines properly index the web pages. Also, look out for errors affecting the website indexability.

You can monitor progress easily through excellent tools available in the market. However, if you want detailed reports on your website performance, an affordable SEO services provider can help you. They can also provide you with suggestions on ways to optimize and improve your ranking on the SERP

Structured Data

Website data structure provides valuable and relevant information to search engines and users. Properly managed and arranged data allows search engines to better understand the content of the website. Additionally, makes it easier to crawl and index content, improving visibility and traffic. Structured data as a result improves the chances of your site’s valuable information appearing in relevant search results. Additionally, helping users find what they are looking for more quickly and easily.

Website owners can monitor their website data structure through a data analytics platform. This is an excellent way to track and analyze website data structure. Data analytics platforms empower users to access, analyze, and visualize website data. Further, gain insights and make decisions to make the site’s data structure better.

Keyword Cannibalization

Keyword cannibalization is a common problem in search engine optimization. When a website with multiple pages targets the same keyword (a word or a phrase), this problem occurs. Search engines have to determine the best, which can result in low CTR, transaction, and conversion rates on a webpage. As a result, this can potentially harm your website’s positioning on the search engine.

An audit once a month and regular monitoring can help prevent keyword cannibalization. You can also hire fine SEO Services professionals from a reliable Digital Marketing Agency to identify web pages with similar keywords. Furthermore, optimize them to improve search rankings.

Site’s Pagespeed

Website loading speed is an important technical SEO factor to rank your website in the top search results. You can improve your web page loading speed by following these tips and techniques.

-Eliminate Insignificant Scripts From External Sources.

-Optimize Images And Videos.

-Lessen JavaScript And CSS Files Using Asynchronous Loading.

-Leverage Content Delivery Network (CDN).

-Clean Site Code, Reduce Plugins And Redirect.


Monitoring mobile-friendliness is essential for ensuring user accessibility, constituting a pivotal technical SEO factor. Nearly 60% of online searches are conducted via mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, as per a source. Optimizing your website well for smartphones will allow you to tap into a wider audience accessing the website via handy devices. Additionally, this will help to acquire more and retain existing and targeted users worldwide to engage with your brand offerings. Check your webpage’s loading speed and see that the content is properly visible and easy to read on mobile devices. Also, check that the website design is mobile-friendly. A device-friendly site design ensures that website elements adapt to screen size changes while upholding quality standards.


Robots.txt is an important file in a website’s technical SEO. Checking regularly tells web crawlers which web pages to index and which to ignore. It helps a website appear higher in search engine rankings solely, by controlling pages to index. Test the robots.txt file to ensure that search engines can easily crawl all URLs on the website. This action protects the website’s sensitive information from malicious search bots’ indexing. Additionally, prevent overloading your site with requests for accessing sensitive files on your server.

Image Optimization

Considering image optimization is crucial for allowing websites to deliver images faster, making it an important technical SEO factor. Reducing the file size of an image without sacrificing its quality results in improved website performance and user experience.You can optimize images in various ways, including compressing them using image compression tools. Resizing it with maintaining the content quality and removing unnecessary metadata are some other range of image optimization ways.

Duplicate Metadata

Having duplicate metadata on a website negatively impacts its search engine ranking and placement. More duplicate metadata and content a website has, the worse those web pages rank on the search engines. Authentic metadata is important to allow search engines to understand and index your website for a better ranking on the SERPs.


The process of monitoring technical SEO factors begins with determining the metrics that will measure website performance. In compliance with this, set up a schedule for website monitoring. Analyze and track technical SEO factors discussed in this write-up to identify issues hampering the website’s performance. Likewise, this will help reduce the chances of these factors affecting website performance and growth in the coming future. Simply, prioritize to commit more time and efforts towards technical SEO monitoring. Start by checking and monitoring the above factors to identify which aspects require improvement for enhanced website performance.

December 27, 2022

Top 10 Powerful Off Page SEO Techniques For 2023

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Knowledge of cutting-edge off-page SEO strategies is crucial in today’s competitive search engine optimization (SEO) landscape. Making a decisive move toward hiring a reputable SEO Services company can also have a significant effect. This article will discuss the top 10 effective off page SEO strategies for 2023, which will help you increase your website’s organic traffic and move it higher in search engine results.

What is Off-Page SEO?

Increasing a website’s visibility in search engine results pages is the goal of off-page SEO (SERPs). Activities like link building and social media marketing are examples of off-site SEO. By increasing a website’s popularity and credibility, these tactics hope to boost its position in search engine results pages. To increase traffic to your website, you can employ either “link building,” which is putting links to your site on other websites, or “social media marketing,” which makes use of sites like Facebook and Twitter.

Both methods can help boost your website’s visibility and search engine rankings. In addition, off-site SEO efforts boost brand awareness and client participation. In the end, off-page SEO is a crucial component of a comprehensive SEO plan and a prerequisite for any website seeking to improve its search engine ranks and overall online visibility. Also, can pick up the Professional SEO Services which will take care of the Off Page SEO part.

Top 10 Off-Page SEO Strategies for the Year 2023

To boost your website’s authority and visibility, link building is a crucial off-page SEO strategy. There are several strategies for doing so, but link building is one of the most important to keep in mind for 2023. More people will visit your website if you link to it from high-quality, relevant websites and directories.

Linking from authoritative sites will help establish your site as a reliable resource for the subject matter covered. Your website’s visibility and reputation will both rise thanks to this strategy. In addition, it can help improve your website’s visibility in search engines, bringing in more visitors and potential sales. Therefore, as part of your search engine optimization plan, you must devote time and energy to constructing high-quality links.

Social Media Engagement:

In 2023, social media participation is a crucial off-page SEO strategy for anyone who wants their website to rank higher in search results. Social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram offer a wonderful opportunity to connect with potential customers and showcase your products and services to an already established audience. You may expand your audience, foster relationships with them, and boost traffic to your site by participating in social media.

As a result, you can expand your fan base, strengthen existing connections, and attract new customers. Using social media to boost your website’s search engine rankings is a win-win situation for your business. Relationship building and audience reach go hand in hand, and social media involvement is a terrific method to do both. The right content shared on social media can increase engagement and lead to more sales. It is easier to implement such strategy by taking assistance from SEO Agency. By 2023, social media interaction will be crucial if you want your website to be seen and read.

Forum and Blog Commenting:

With 2023 SEO, getting your website out there through forum and blog comments is crucial. It can do wonders for your website’s exposure and credibility by demonstrating your mastery of a specific field. It’s an excellent method of expanding your professional network and interacting with an audience, both of which can boost traffic to your site.

Further, by participating in relevant blogs and forums, you can begin networking with other website owners and industry experts. In addition to finding suitable SEO services , this can be an excellent method for gaining insight and critique. In addition, participating in online communities like forums and blogs as a commenter can further boost your site’s credibility and visibility. You can start earning the respect and trust of other users when you participate in discussions and offer sound advise.

Guest Posting:

Your off-page SEO strategy for the year 2023 should include guest posting if you want to see any real gains in search engine rankings. It’s a win-win scenario since you get exposure for your writing and the other site gets fresh content. It’s an excellent strategy for expanding your online network and attracting more visitors to your own site. Further, there is no cost involved whatsoever! Creating high-quality content that adheres to the site’s criteria is all that’s required.

You should also check that the anchor text leading back to your site makes sense. When executed properly, guest posting can significantly improve search engine rankings. Therefore, you should investigate guest posting and begin incorporating it into your SEO strategy for 2023 if you haven’t already.


Infographics are an excellent tool for elevating your content marketing efforts in 2023 and beyond. They are an effective off-page SEO strategy that can increase your site’s exposure to a wider audience and higher rankings in search engine results. Additionally, they offer a visually appealing and intuitive means of communicating data.

It’s especially useful for complex concepts or for those who learn better through graphics. Approaching the SEO company will have benefits to implement such strategies more effectively. As an added bonus, your website or business will receive even more exposure thanks to the widespread distribution of infographics.

Video Marketing:

Is gaining more traffic and interaction with your intended audience a priority for your website? If you want to succeed in advertising in the year 2023, then you should focus on videos. It’s rapidly rising in importance as one of the best off-page SEO strategies. You may take advantage of the impact of visual material by making and sharing videos online.

It’s a powerful method of connecting with your target audience and gaining their trust and business. To add to that, video has a higher potential for going viral, which can increase traffic to your site. Marketing using videos is the best approach to be ahead of the curve and stand out from the crowd in the digital sphere. Additionally, look for any SEO services that will make it easier to apply this Off-page approach quite effectively.

Image Optimization:

As a crucial off-page SEO strategy for 2023, image optimization is a must if you want your website to rank highly. Website traffic can be increased by optimising the photos shown there for better visibility in SERPs. It’s not enough to just make your images appear better; optimization can also boost your site’s load time and overall performance.

If you take the time to optimise your photographs, you can decrease their file size, which will speed up page loads, and you can also include tags and descriptions, which will help search engines better understand what the images are about. This makes your site more visible to users and search engines. Optimize photos for mobile devices, as more people browse the web on phones and tablets. Consequently, you should check whether or not your photographs look good on mobile devices in addition to desktop PCs. You can improve your search engine rankings in 2023 by optimising your images.

Influencer Marketing:

In 2023, Influencer Marketing is another efficient off-page SEO strategy for raising a website’s profile and credibility. Through this strategy, firms can interact with significant people in their sector to promote their business and offers. Influencers can develop trust with their followers since they are perceived as experts and their recommendations are trusted.

By sharing material from the website on their channels, influencers can gain access to a wider audience and boost website traffic thanks to the credibility they’ve established with their followers. Also, influencers can communicate with their followers, which opens the door for brands to conduct conversations with their customers. By using influencer marketing, firms can boost their website’s visibility and authority next year.

Online Reviews:

You can’t understate the importance of positive reviews on websites. They can be an effective strategy for raising your site’s profile and credibility. Websites that have received positive feedback from consumers and other sources tend to perform better in search engine results. When done correctly, this can greatly increase your website’s visibility and usefulness.

The validity of the feedback you get is crucial. One method for accomplishing this is to request reviews from satisfied visitors. This is a terrific method to gain potential consumers’ trust while also ensuring that the reviews they read are authentic. You can also approach several websites and request that they review yours. To boost the popularity and credibility of your website, this strategy might be quite helpful.

Local SEO:

If you’re serious about SEO in 2023, you can’t ignore off-page strategies like local search engine optimization. Your website’s presence and ranking in local search results can be boosted through SEO. It involves improving your website’s titles, descriptions, and meta tags and creating a presence on Google My Business and Yelp.

To further increase exposure, check that local directory listings and inbound links to your site are accurate. You can’t afford to ignore local search engine optimization (SEO) if you want to increase organic traffic to your website. Moreover, you can look for SEO services to implement this strategy. Also, a smart strategy to boost organic traffic to your site and your site’s exposure in local search results is to use a sitemap. In 2023, local SEO might play a significant role in your SEO strategy if implemented properly.


The world of SEO is ever-evolving and staying up-to-date with the latest techniques is essential for success. By following the top 10 off page SEO techniques for 2023, you can ensure that your website and content is seen by the right people and receives the attention it deserves. With the right strategies, you can drive more traffic to your website and increase your online visibility. So, start implementing these off-page SEO techniques today and take the help of professional SEO services provider to take your SEO game to the next level!

SEO Practices
December 6, 2022

What are the Best SEO Practices to Follow in 2023?

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With growing competition and changing algorithms online, businesses need to make sure that their SEO Practices are aligned with the current best practices. These include using the correct keywords, effective backlinks, and generating quality content to win google searches.

In addition, getting services from the Best SEO Company can assist in improving your website’s visibility in search results. The experts are well-versed in implementing all the strategies in place to help businesses capture desired traffic flow. For example, they perform effective keyword research, understand the target audience, and provide quality content. Furthermore, they dedicate a reasonable amount of time to figuring out several other ways to ace your SEO game to rank higher.

Are you looking to increase traffic flow from desired search engines? Or, still struggling to look for the best SEO Techniques for 2023 and beyond. Here is the ultimate list!!

08 Best SEO Practices to Follow in 2023:

Website Optimization For Google Discover:

Google Discover is a feed organized systematically for mobile phone users that appear on google’s home page. Website Optimization helps improvise search results. It offers a query-less discovery of engaging content by understanding user interests and preferences. It presents the users and visitors with the most appropriate search results.

This is one of the essential practices for 2023. It will substantially increase traffic flow, and connect various users and a large number of potential business prospects.

The rise of featured snippets in search results can not be denied. These are the result information boxes you see above the actual search results. It can be in the form of FAQs, single sentences, and bulleted lists. Google is constantly updating its algorithms to provide better results in search queries.

So, why stay behind?
>Perform appropriate keyword research.
>Add a question-and-answer section to your website.
>Use the Search engine autocomplete section

Monitoring Core Web Vitals:

Core Web Vitals (CWV) is a subset of metrics that aim at delivering a positive user experience and measures specific concepts in maintaining the quality of your website page loading speed.

Three core web vitals metrics that would be a big focus for 2023.

A. Largest contentful paint (LCP):
Google considers overall page load performance as a crucial factor for user experience. Higher-resolution images, bulky themes, and illustrative content on the website decrease loading speed. Lower the LCP, the better the load speed.

To accelerate, use lighter elements and compress the images before posting them on your website.

B. First input delay (FID):
Time taken by the webpage to process interaction is FID. It measures how quickly the elements of your website become visible to the visitor.

C. Cumulative layout shift (CLS)
CLS is the number of how much a webpage’s layout shifts unexpectedly without user interaction creating hindrances.

When looking at the 2023 SEO strategy, focus on providing a fast website. Keep track of how well your website performs for each of the following web core vitals.

If you’re struggling to improve the load speeds and website performance, SEO Services Agency can help achieve visible results.

Google BERT Algorithm:

Google’s algorithm is constantly changing and focusing on better results for search queries. Its new algorithm update is a complete game changer for your business’s SEO. BERT helps search engines understand word context better, and match up queries with helpful results. It helps computers understand easy language or what humans use to communicate. It focuses on the user intent and looks for relevant result pages, as it is an AI model.

Have you heard that BERT will impact about 10% of search queries in 2023?
If you haven’t looked back at your content for while, start implementing the changes required:-
>Create content with the user’s intent.
>Optimize content to enhance readability, accessibility, and relativity.
>Pay attention to updating your SEO strategies to improve search rankings.

Quality Content:

Google aims to deliver quality content as per the user’s search intent. Answering the search query is the objective of the search engine. Create content to deliver useful and relevant results. After all, quality content is important to drive traffic flow and increase visitors.

To get on the top in 2023, optimizing your website with keywords, and graphics as per the user intent will help top the results.

Content should be:-
>Useful, Unique, and Informative.
>Engaging and Eye-Catching.
>Credible and Beneficial.

Relevant Meta Titles and Content Descriptions:

Meta Titles and Descriptions define webpage content to the users, visitors, and various search engine bots. Businesses should describe the page intent clearly to enable users to understand the content. Titles should be short, catchy, and accessible. Descriptions should be informative. Defeat the competitors and get clicked by the user on your search results, by incorporating these significantly.

Building effective links remains a crucial factor that Google and other search engines use for content ranking. Even a successful SEO strategy fails without building effective and quality links to your website.

Here are tips to build effective links for 2023:-
>Publish guest posts with relevant content on others’ blogs.
>Competitive analysis of your competitor’s backlinks.
>Eye-catching infographics and link-sourcing content.
>Hyperlinks from reliable and reputable directory websites.
>List your website and business on local directories.

Visual SEO In Marketing Strategy:

Visuals are the future of SEO. Images convey the idea visually, but they will be used to shop access information, and much more. It is time to implement visuals optimization to score up:-
>Select the proper image file format.
>Reduce the load time of your website by using smaller-size images.
>Give unique alt text to each image.
>Name image file with targeted keywords.

Final Words On SEO Best Practices:

There is a lot to consider to meet the SEO best practices in 2023. No magic or tricks are involved. Staying up to date with the best practices like optimizing websites for Google Discover, creating quality content, optimizing backlinks, and more is the key to executing SEO successfully. You can also connect with us at Stellen Infotech, one of the top-ranked companies with the best SEO services. So, what are you waiting for? Avail of result-oriented services and float on the top search results of all search engines and grow your business effectively.

November 29, 2022

Best Ways to Create an SEO-Friendly Website For Your Business

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Creating an SEO-friendly website for your business is essential if you want to stand out and create the right impression with potential buyers. The easiest way to do this is by having a visually pleasing, easy-to-navigate, and responsive web space that supports multiple devices with varying screen resolutions.

By creating an SEO-friendly website, you’ll be able to attract clients, increase conversions, and grow your online presence. The most common way is to make sure that your content is on page one of Google and other search engines. Besides, hiring Professional SEO Services can be a viable solution. They have SEO and web design experts who work together to make the site engaging, attractive, and search engine friendly.

But there are many other ways in which you can increase your search engine ranking. Let’s explore these in detail!!

Helpful Checklist for Creating an SEO-Friendly Website:

You’ve designed your website to be an exceptional resource for your clients and you’ve taken the time to create a high-quality product. How can you ensure that your site is found by customers? When it comes to web design, many factors need to be taken into consideration – from the layout and usability of your site to search engine optimization.

Ensure Mobile-Responsiveness to Connect With Multiple Users:

Do you know why it is essential to consider responsive web design when building an SEO-friendly website?

Every user owns mobile devices of different sizes. Here, it becomes necessary for your website to adapt to devices with varying screen sizes. All this is possible with a responsive website design. It makes the website easily adjustable on mobile phones, desktops, tablets, etc. Thus, ensuring users have a great experience browsing your site.

When integrated with a responsive web design, the website is better optimized for SEO. In simple terms, an SEO-friendly website will keep visitors stay on your website for a long time. Thus, raising the rankings in the SERPs.

Optimize Images for Better Website Loading:

Website loading time influences SEO-friendliness and overall user experience. Slow-loading websites will annoy users and make them switch to other sources. Thus, increasing your site’s bounce rate.

Here, images play an important role in influencing the website load times, both positively and negatively. Adding images is a plus as it depicts half of the brand’s message which sometimes content fails to do. However, large-sized pictures can degrade the site’s functioning. Hence, compressing the images can help reduce the load time. The website will load quickly and users can access the information without any wait or switching to the competitors.

Integrate Target Keywords in Website Content:

No website is complete without engaging content. Driving traffic to the site and user engagement needs content with the integration of the right keywords. These trigger the site to rank on the SERPs for relevant queries. Conduct the right keywords according to the topic you want to cover.

Once you have chosen your long- or short-tail keywords, evaluate the format of your content. You can use infographics, ebooks, essays, or videos. All these offer the audience insightful information. But ensure you keep the content user-driven and easily understandable.

The role of the right keywords and website content is to help business rank on the relevant searches. Thus, driving increased traffic and improving the overall webpage performance, and making the site more SEO-friendly.

Internal Linking Is Essential for Web Pages Indexing:

The significance of internal linking throughout the website cannot be understated. It is a strategy that helps search engines examine any new web pages and index them for better rankings.

Google and other search engines do not find the web pages of a specific website. So, what is the benefit of creating good content if it is not indexed? It is your responsibility to utilize internal linking. So, search engines easily find and index them for search queries.

However, when doing interlinking, ensure the pages are relevant to other pages or topics and the URL of the page to be interlinked with. All in all, remember that in building SEO-friendly sites, adding internal links is essential. Only then Google can find the webpages to be indexed.

Ensure Easy Readability for User Engagement:

Creating SEO-friendly site designs and optimizing web pages influences the overall design and the website’s technical aspects. Furthermore, readability is affected.

The design ensures leaving a first positive impression. On the other hand, readability assures that the first impression created remains the same. Google ranks the sites that provide relevant information to users for their queries. If the audience does not find it relevant, Google will not consider the site user-friendly and will not rank in the SERPs.

So, how can you make the content easily readable? Below are some ways.

>Choose the right text size and assure it is easily readable whenever the user zooms in or out of the page.
>The next is to pick a suitable font color. Choose the one that compliments the background and is easily readable to the audience.
>Keep the sentences short. Split the long sentences into two.

All in all, these are simple steps to improve a site’s readability and ensure the website’s SEO-friendliness.


When you have your website, it helps to create a direct connection between you and your customers. As such, having a website can help business owners connect with their potential clients online. Creating SEO-friendly websites for businesses is key to gaining traffic for your websites, as it will attract more targeted visitors as well as improve your conversion rates. By making changes to how you design your website and coding changes to the site’s structure, you can begin attracting new customers virtually overnight.

You can get started with Stellen Infotech, a reputable SEO company creating comprehensive SEO strategies for businesses. We have web design experts in place who know the importance of SEO-friendliness and build sites that guarantee site ranking well on the SERPs and driving traffic.

Ultimate Checklist of SEO Basics for Web Developers
September 12, 2022

Ultimate Checklist of SEO Basics for Web Developers

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Together, SEO and web development can improve website performance and raise visitor traffic. Web developers can optimize a website for greater search engine ranks by using their knowledge of effective SEO methods and how to apply them. However, a lot of site developers, especially beginners, are not knowledgeable about broad SEO approaches and strategies.

Creating both user-friendly and search-friendly content is essential. Also, quick loading speed is a key aspect to be considered when building a website. All of this contributes to attracting more and more potential audiences to engage with the site. As a result, the SEO improves, thus, increasing the traffic. After all, the likelihood of losing a traffic source increases if Google fails to understand what a web page depicts.

So, in this article, we’ll discuss the SEO strategies that web developers should use to make sure their site complies with Google’s rules. These suggestions will also aid in making the website speedy, safe, and simple to use on multiple devices.

Let’s begin!!

Fundamentals of SEO for Web Developers

Use Heading Tags Appropriately

Heading tags acts as clues for search engines. Make sure to use the heading tags for content and not only for CSS shortcuts. Use them in order and accordance. For example, don’t use the H5 for the web page’s biggest heading and H1 for subtopics or subheadings. 

Simply follow the hierarchy of how heading tags are utilized and represent the content and overall website well. 

Ensure Quick Website Loading Time 

Website speed is a key aspect that Google evaluates for search rankings. After all, slow webpage or site loading affects conversions and user experience. 

Here, every web developer must follow the set of ways mentioned below to optimize the site speed. 

  • Keep the code clean and light.
  • Stay careful when using extensions or plugins. 
  • Minify and compress CSS and JS.
  • Ensure having a better hosting environment.
  • Keep the size of the images optimal.
  • Benefit from lazy loading.
  • Browser caching is essential.

Remember if a plugin or extension is not-to-update, it can slow down the website’s functioning. Also, an image size of more than 10MB will impact the website’s loading speed. 

Simply put, keep a check on all these factors and continuously improve site speed.

Check the Redirects

The website migration and the launch process is incomplete without the redirects. 

Ensure that every URL from the previous website has a 301 redirect to the new website’s page with the most relevant content. The redirection can be performed from one old site to the new web pages. Even it can vary from many to one if your objective is to simplify or revamp the content layout.

Avoid assuming that a page is rendering correctly and doesn’t need any updates, modifications, or redirects.

Add a Sitemap

Every web developer must prevent the indexing emphasis on irrelevant pages, photos, or other items and avoid wasting time and resources.

XML sitemaps are a great chance for website developers to ensure search engines understand all the web pages. It is referred to as a file that provides information about webpages, site files, videos, and the connection between them all. Search engines need to be guided with hints about how the pages link to each other and all this is possible by adding a sitemap. 

Keep your internal linking appropriate and relevant. The search engines will find it simple to crawl a site in this way. Additionally, confirm that the websites are included in XML sitemaps that affect a 200 server code. Keep the pages free of 404s or redirects that do not lead to the desired page.

Evaluate the Robots.txt File

No SEO effort is of use if the site fails to index and rank on the search engines. Here, checking the robots.txt file for what is written in it is essential. 

Many sites failed to rank only because they disallowed the commands from staging. Here, considering blocking low-value items that CMS creates can be helpful. It can be anything like comment sections, tag pages, and more. 

If it is challenging to keep the pages from generating junk, at least prevent them from being indexed. 

Optimize the Website for Mobile-Friendliness

While the stats say 54.8% of website traffic comes from mobile devices, many websites still neglect the significance of mobile-friendliness. Google follows a mobile-first indexing approach to ensure websites fulfill the criteria of delivering an excellent UX. 

The Google bots use the mobile version to crawl the site. Hence, if any site fails to perform on mobile devices, it loses the chance of ranking well on the SERPs. So, optimize the website for mobile-friendliness. It is best to use a variety of testing tools to determine how well the website functions on mobile. They can further recommend the modifications. 

Understand the Implementation of Structured Data

For SEO professionals, the use of structured data might be rather difficult. Developers benefit much from it, though. They already know how to format the web page so that each element fits appropriately. They also know how to make the text simple to read for both people and bots.

Utilize the anchor sentences in the images as well. These are the clickable links that are typically present on CTAs such as “click here,” “learn more,” etc. People are better directed by it.

Website Security is Vital

Website security is a preferred and vital key aspect considered by search engines. After all, getting personal data hacked affects user experience. Therefore, make sure the SSL is accurate and placed appropriately and this is where the website security begins.

In addition, implement the fundamental security measures to prevent site flaws that could allow access to altered content, an injection, and more.

But stay careful of site speed, particularly if you utilize plugins or extensions to secure the site.

Final Words

Improving organic traffic is the main objective behind any website development. Hence, SEO is vital for web developers. Web development experts who are knowledgeable and understand SEO basics can go a long way in making a difference to the website’s success. In addition, website development can be more efficient. 

If you are a website owner looking for web developers who can build well-performing websites with the knowledge of best search engine practices, we can help. Stellen Infotech has a team of experienced developers who know how to best optimize the website for Google-friendliness, ensuring that it is also an SEO-Friendly Website. Besides, we provide SEO services and paid advertising aiming to help ventures boost their online presence and help acquire customers via multiple channels. 

 Thus, helping businesses grow their customer base as well as distinguishing their online presence. 

June 7, 2022

Ecommerce SEO Strategies to Drive Organic Traffic to Your Online Store

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In the eCommerce industry, a company’s ability to drive organic traffic is essential to its success. There are several tactics like social media marketing, paid ads, and more to increase the sales possibilities. But the significance and efficacy of SEO to drive the organic traffic to the online stores can not be overlooked. Also, there is a wider range of companies providing professional SEO services to digital businesses in need. 

  • According to HubSpot, 70-80% of visitors to a website prioritize organic results.
  • Also, BrightEdge’s report says 51% of website traffic comes from organic traffic accompanying 10% of visitors from paid searches, and social media delivers 5% of users.  

These stats simply says in the favor of implementing SEO tactics to help marketers set their eCommerce business on track.

No matter it is a small enterprise or a medium online business, both of them need to reach a wider audience. Here, investing efforts in eCommerce SEO without wasting money on paid ads and other tactics is a great way to bring in more sales. 

Simply put, search engine optimization helps businesses increase their visibility on Google SERPs. Here, putting efforts into eCommerce SEO strategies can support the brand rank well. Thus, helping in acquiring increased leads and conversions. After all, every online shop strives to increase the ROI.

While there are SEO tactics that help improve brand recognition and exposure in addition to acquiring organic traffic. Besides, you can hire a reputable eCommerce SEO agency that provides result-driven and qualitative services. Thus, increasing your sales and return on investment.

Are you also failing to rank your eCommerce goods on the Google SERPs? Of course, the reason is you are not able to acquire the expected conversions and sales. Luckily, all these practices given below can help you climb the rankings and even stay on the top. 

Best eCommerce SEO Practices to Gain Organic Traffic to Online Store

Keyword Research is the Priority

Keyword research means recognizing the phrases or words that users use to search for content relevant to our eCommerce products or store. In addition, when you know the exact keywords to target, putting in the best efforts for store optimization becomes easy.

Now, you might be wondering how to find keywords?

You can use Google’s automatic suggestions here. There’s also a function called “people also ask.” These will give you helpful hints about the most popular terms. It will also provide a clear image of successful competitors, as well as the strategies they employ.

Besides the terms, you will see that most of the keyword suggestions will be long-tail. Remember, these are less competitive. You can use the tools like Keyword Explorer, Ahrefs, Keyword Planner, etc. to get started. 

Keep in mind, though, that getting organic visitors will necessitate more than simply researching goods-related keywords. Additionally, target the terms that consumers use when researching your niche.

Research About Competitor’s SEO Efforts

The eCommerce industry is fiercely competitive. It does, however, come with several opportunities to learn from other businesses. This necessitates integrating and studying the SEO techniques of competitors.

  • The Keyword Gap Analysis tool is the most effective of all the strategies. It assists in the identification of highly ranked terms for your competitor’s eCommerce business. You can also check and see if any keywords are relevant to your business.
  • Focus on phrases or words where the competitors surpass you by a noticeable margin for the best outcomes. If you can improve your ranks for such relevant and high-performing keywords, your online store’s rankings will undoubtedly improve. As a result, traffic inflow and conversions will enhance. It also increases your chances of remaining ahead of the competition.
  • Another effective method is to identify the content that has assisted the competitors in generating a large number of backlinks. Remember that the links from third-party websites play an important role in boosting search engine rankings.

Product Page Optimization is Essential 

The next thing is to optimize the eCommerce site for keywords with high sales intent. It will help the specific product pages rank on the top of the SERPs and make customers find the results in organic searches. 

  • Simply start by checking over the product descriptions in each of your eCommerce stores.
  • Make sure your descriptions are concise and easy to understand.
  • Include your main keywords in the title tags, heading tags, and product descriptions.
  • Use the keywords in the alt text of photographs when publishing them.
  • Keep meta descriptions to 155 characters or less.

However, don’t just insert keywords wherever that doesn’t make sense. Simply put, write what is important, clear, and communicative. After all, you want both the search engines and the users to read and recognize your offerings. Thus, product page SEO can drive traffic

Implement a Secure Site Structure

The next stage is to put your knowledge into practice once you’ve determined which keywords will help you reach your target audience. When it comes to the structure of the website, there are a few things to consider. Setting up category pages, usability, and product pages is all part of the eCommerce site structure. Overall, the goal is to give consumers the most relevant information while reducing the number of times they have to click to find it.

The two simple rules make the site structure great. It includes:

  • Maintain a scalable and straightforward framework.
  • Make sure that no page asks for more than three clicks to access the information required.

To develop appropriate page URLs and subdirectories, simply conduct keyword research.

Prioritize Site Speed and Uptime

Speed is a must-have factor to be considered when optimizing the eCommerce store. This is because as the webpage load time rises, the bounce rate increases considerably.

All the above-shared tips will work wonders in gaining huge traffic to the online shop via keywords, content, and SEO. However, if you don’t have a working website, all of your efforts will be zero. Furthermore, if Google observes that consumers are clicking on the posts on search engines but instantly leaving, the content will not rank.

Here, the best you can do is use the PageSpeed Insights Tool by Google. It will assist in determining how effectively the store functions on mobile and desktop platforms. In case it takes more than 3 seconds to load,  the tool will provide the best practices and essential steps to improve it.

Summing Up

To summarize, eCommerce SEO is excellent in bringing potential customers to your website. However, your efforts will be fruitless unless you fill the site with high-quality, SEO-based material that will attract the best clients.

All in all, implementing SEO strategies for eCommerce store performance is essential to delivering a memorable user experience. Thus, turning one-time shoppers into loyal ones. 

So, what are you waiting for? Get started with these proven tips and make the most out of your digital store. 

You can also hire professional eCommerce SEO services from Stellen Infotech. Right from the local SEO to eCommerce SEO and enterprise SEO services, it brings to the table a wide range of offerings. Also, our team of experts possesses extensive experience in helping the company boost its sales and improve the site’s SERP rankings.